Chapter 9: A Black Plague

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"The point of civilization is to be civilized; the purpose of action is to perpetuate society, for only in society can philosophy truly take place."

- Iain Pears


Somewhere in the Azur Lane Base, Eagle Union
May 1st, 1942
1447 hours

"Oh great, what is this the naval factor of Colditz Castle?!" Lanner looked around in frustration.

Currently, Lanner was outside in the main heart of the base looking around. She saw many buildings and shops but most of all, she was blending in as a Royal Navy shipgirl due to looking all formal which is something Ironblood doesn't do.

The situation was tense for her but ok, after strangling some girls using a thick string from the ventilation system and leaving their bodies for any people passing by, Lanner crawled her way out of the ventilation to find herself behind the MP building before making her way through the rest of the ships looking for her while acting as one of them.

Making her way behind a store, she pretended to search for herself when in reality, the cruiser was taking it as a sorry excuse to hide. 'Why is my luck so bad...' She thought complaining to herself as she curled up in a little ball. Trying to move out of that thought, she thought of Colditz 'Ugh...I wish that German was here right could save my skin from being put into possible torture. Speaking of which, why would they name that aircraft carrier after Colditz Castle, I mean all it did was house the founder of the SAS when he was taken in as a POW.'

Letting out another sigh, Lanner decided to wait until things have cooled down to make her move. Not like she needed it but she did, she was shaking a bit too much and extremely jumpy. She wasn't sure if it was because her ship was captured and they are probably studying it or if she feared death even more now after experiencing it once. For now, however, she took the time to wait.


"Attention all shipgirls, the search has been called off, return to whatever you were doing before." Grumbles began to break out and sighs of relief. Some were lazy as they didn't wanna the rest of their day looking for one person. While others were dedicated to finding the 'Ironblood' who wreaked havoc in the Military Police building and now running loose around the base.

Lanner seemed beyond confused, call off the search after three hours? Did they think that it wasn't worth it to look for a bit longer or were they just outright lazy? Or maybe they made it seem like they were calling it off so they could force her into exposure and pounce on her when she was not paying attention. Either way, she couldn't stick around so she had to get out of her hiding spot despite the danger of being attacked and captured again.

Walking her way across the base without raising suspicion, she attempted to keep a low profile while acting like she has nothing to fear as someone would notice this and possibly assume it was the lone ship captured hours ago. It seemed to work as no one paid much attention to her, apart from the usual glances thinking a new shipgirl was on the base.

"Eh?" Lanner looked curious to her right seeing a shop with many windows and what seemed to be other girls sitting in there chatting. What caught her attention however was the sight of ice cream.

Although it didn't last long as she heard footsteps coming rapidly at her and before she knew it, she got a taste of her own medicine. Getting spartan kicked through the window shattering it, she slammed into a table forcing it to fall over and her stunned lying against it.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Where stories live. Discover now