Opportunities (3)

189 6 3

TW; Mentions of Abuse, Rape and alcoholism

You're nearly sweating bullets while in Ms. Smiths office with your red head after Ms. Smith scares the shit out of you two.

"We need to talk"

You're sweaty and scared of what's coming next. Did you and Max do something wrong? Did something bad happen to your friends? You have a million guesses as what it could be. But not this one

"I want you guys to join the volleyball team." She states.

You and Max look at eachother with an arched brow

"Well you guys are absolutely amazing. Both of you contain a high level of skill in this game like no other. You could bring our team places." She exclaims

You think while biting your lip not knowing what to say

"I'm in. Less time from home and more time away from the trap" she smiles and leans back

You are still deciding while biting your lip so much you peel skin so deep it bleeds. Max reassuringly and gently, grabs your hand which makes your entire body fill with chills and your stomach sworm with butterflies

You look at Ms. Smith and Nod

"Okay. I'll do it. As long as Max is always my partner for drills"

She smiles widely

"Well then it's done. Tryouts are in 2 days but I swear you guys will make it on. Please attend after school and be ready for warm-ups 25 minutes after arrival. You're free to go"

You and Max get up and say bye to your teacher. You walk out and look at Max

"I'm nervous. I'm super self conscious and super insecure about the way I look when doing ANYTHING" You explain to her

She comes closer and looks you dead in your eyes.

"Don't think. Just go with it. Let the game be your distraction from the world. Let ME be your distraction.." She looks at you with a soft sense in her ocean ground eyes

You Blush hard and you know she sees it.

"Okay fine." You smile

She's smiles back and pats your back lightly. Just then her entire expression drops when the bell rings for lunch

You look at her with worry as she looks like someone had just died.

"Are you okay, Max?" You ask concerned

"Yeah.. I just need to be alone for a bit.. call me after school.. okay?"

She walks away to the change room and quickly leaves after switching clothes.

Just before she turns the corner she slides up her headphones and turns her music on.

The girl is strange you think.. but soon enough you'll get to the bottom of her odd persona

You're sat at a table with Mike, El, Dustin, Will and Lucas. They're all talking about dnd while you and El talk about girl things

"So what's up with Max? She seems.. distant whenever she snaps into reality" You ask her

Assuming they're friends you hope you get the truth

"See.. it is not my place to tell.. but I will tell you little bits. Max has been through a lot.. like a lot a lot.. She has been through great grieve and a retching amount of fear and pain.. there is not much we can do. We can try to chip in to motivate her but we can not help. The only people who can help her truly, is herself." She explains to you

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