chapter five

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"Help me..." Cindy whispered, answering the phone to her mom.

"Why are you whispering?"

"We've been in this shit museum for hours and all I want to do right now is go back to bed!"

"If it's that boring maybe I better stay here," Camila giggled.

"Mom..." Cindy said making a frustrated muffled sound.

"I'm joking, I'm already in the uber, I should be at the restaurant in like thirty minutes."

"We're like ten minutes away from there and I think we're leaving..." There was a long pause.

"Cindy?" Camila asked as she heard footsteps running.

"Oh my god mom, the freaking exit!"

"Did you just leave everyone behind... who's with you now?" Camila asked.

"A... and he looks angry, I think I made a small scene when I ran," Cindy giggled.

"Cindy! I've seriously got to teach you to appreciate art," Camila rolled her eyes.

"Yeah sure mom."

"Cindy Michelle Cabello!" A voice came.

"Sounds like someone's in trouble." Camila stifled a giggle, "she used your whole name."

"Bye mom!" Cindy quickly turned to the voice that was calling her.

"You are in for it," A laughed quietly as she hit him on the stomach with the back of her hand.

"Yes?" Cindy gave her aunt her best smile.

"What just happened in there?" Pricilla looked angry.

"I...uh..." Cindy looked at everyone who was looking at her.

"You're in so much trouble young lady!" Pricilla looked at her. This was the aunt Cindy knew.

"I'm sorry," Cindy apologized, "If you want, you can send me back to the hotel."

"Maybe we should..." Pricilla began.

"Uh-uh!" Valentina protested, "that is so not fair."

Cindy made a face at her aunt, "I was bad. I'll go back to the hotel after lunch."

"Okay," Pricilla looked at the teenager and began to walk towards the restaurant.

"You think I could get in trouble too?" Naya approached her.

"I don't know, but I am so out of here after lunch," Cindy clapped her hands.

Pricilla turned to her and she went back to putting that sad expression on her face again as the group arrived at the restaurant.

"Is your mom coming?" Pricilla looked at Cindy.

"Yes," she looked at Lauren whose eyes widened, "excuse me for a moment."

A stood up at same time she did.


"No," A told her, she gave him a weak smile and continued to walk.

"Where are you going?" Dinah spoke up.

"Just to get some fresh air," Cindy smiled at her.


Camila began to walk to the restaurant where she was meeting the rest of the group, as she got nearer to the restaurant, she noticed Cindy.

"Maybe he does attract too much attention," Camila giggled as she walked behind Cindy, "hey princess."

"Mom!" Cindy turned around and wrapped her arms around her.

"What's that for?" Camila asked.

"I was kicked out of the group for trying to run for freedom," she giggled.

"We'll see what I have to say about that," Camila said as they walked back into the restaurant.

Camila spotted Lauren the moment she walked in, "shit! I didn't know she was here."

"Come on, mom... Let's just go," Cindy grabbed her mom's hand and brought her to the table.

The group didn't notice the two girls who were approaching their table.

"Look who I found," Cindy said proudly.

"Camila, do sit down here beside Lauren. I don't think you've met her yet, she's Valentina's fiancé."

Camila cringed when Pricilla said that.

"Lauren," Camila nodded at her.

"Camila," Lauren looked at her.

"You can sit there beside Valentina and..." Pricilla began.

"No!" Cindy saved, "mom will sit in between me and Dinah."

Camila gave Cindy the wrong move look, now she was going to have to sit in front of Lauren throughout the entire lunch.

"Okay," Pricilla nodded as the group finally started to order.

Lauren looked at Camila from the other side of the table as she turned to Cindy, they shared the exact same features.

'She is definitely her mother's daughter,' Lauren thought to herself. She watched as the two girls giggled and talked, she could see that when Camila looked at Cindy, her eyes were full of love.

Camila turned to Lauren, "hey, how have you been?"

Lauren sat there in shock, "I... hine..." She was going to say hi and fine but it came out as that.

"Huh?" Cindy and Camila said at the same time. They turned to each other.


"1,2,3, bad luck for you, good luck for me!" Cindy finished as Camila shot a cute expression at her daughter.

"Not until someone says your name!" Valentina joined in.

"Camila, Cindy and Valentina! This is no time for foolishness!" Pricilla said.

"Sorry," the three girls breathed out sadly. And quickly turned to each other.

"Jinx! 1,2,3, bad luck for you good luck for me."

"Not until someone says your name," A finally spoke up.

"Cindy, what is this game?" Naya asked, hiding her smile.

"I'm free, oh yeah!" Cindy danced while sitting on her chair. Camila and Valentina shot looks that could kill at Naya.

"Sorry," Naya bit her lip.

"Canola!" Dinah teased, playing along.

"Valentina!" Pricilla looked at her.

Camila's eyes got big, she was now the only one who couldn't talk.

"Mom..." Cindy whispered in Camila's ear.

"Yes?" Camila smiled at her daughter. The two girls laughed.

Lauren watched in awe as she saw how even when they laughed they looked a like.

"It's amazing how you two are so a like and how different Mila is now," Normani spoke up.

"I made her cool," Cindy smirked.

Lauren knew were that smirk came from. It was her signature expression. It was her smirk. 'She does belong to me,' she thought.

Cindy watched as the woman who she knew as her mother stare at her mom.

Camila obviously knew what Lauren was doing, she was completely aware that she was gaping at her.

"Mother, I feel faint," Valentina put her hand on her forehead.

"Oh dear, you're burning up!" Pricilla looked at her, "we should go back to the hotel. We'll continue this tomorrow."

The group quickly returned to the hotel.

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