Breakups Suck

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"What do you mean you broke up with her?" Chandler asked, not being able to believe the words that just left his friend's mouth

"I mean, I broke up with Y/N. How else do you want me to say it?" Katelyn yelled, warm tears falling off her face.

"Jesus, I- uh. Hang on." Chandler walked over to his computer and put his headset in.
"Hey, guys something came up. I have to go.  We can play more tomorrow, alright?" After exchanging goodbyes, he went back to Katelyn.

"Alright, now what happened, from the start," Chandler suggested, taking Katelyn by the hand and sitting themselves down on the edge of his bed. Katelyn took a shaky breath.

"I can't be who I am. I can't love who I want to love. It's not safe for me, Chandler. I've been kicked out, I've been hit, and the kids at school have harassed me. My own family disowned me. Y/N and I couldn't even get frozen yogurt without someone saying something mean and hurtful. It's not safe for me to be with her." Katelyn's lips trembled as Chandler listened attentively. 

"Katelyn, you know you always have a safe place with us. We love you. You're like the daughter my mom always wanted. You don't need to hide who you are with us. You don't need to hide who you love. We love you as you are. You know we do," Chandler reassured placing a supporting hand on Katelyn's shoulder.

"I know you do but my family doesn't. That's the issue." Katelyn's voice softened down to a whisper. It wasn't long until it turned into a whimper.
"Why don't they love me, Chandler?" Katelyn sobbed as Chandler cautiously held her, letting the teenage girl rest her head on his shoulder. He was quiet, not knowing what words can be used to comfort his friend. 

"I'm sorry, Katelyn." Was all he could utter out. He ran his head through Katelyn's hair, attempting to comfort her. Katelyn pulled away.

"It's not your fault. I just didn't want to leave her but I know it wouldn't be safe to be with her." She weakly smiled at him, wiping her tears away.

"You did what you had to do to keep yourself self. Maybe... once you're old enough to be free from your parents, you can be with Y/N." Chandler suggested. Kately let out a weak chuckle.

"Please as if she'd want to be back with me. She deserves someone better than me." Katelyn groaned to herself. Chandler looked down at his hands.

"What- what can I do to help you? Do you want me to get us ice cream so we can pig out and watch those cheesy rom-com movies we hate?" He suggests. Katlyn's green eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"You're really asking me if I want ice cream right now, Chandler? Are you serious?  Chandler I don't want ice cream, cake, donuts, or pastries. I don't want to eat right now why can't you understand that?" Katelyn cried out as she smacks his arm. Chandler was quick to grab her hands.

"I'm trying to help you and hitting me isn't going to do any of us shit. Now, is there anything I can do to help you because I know break-ups suck." Chandler spoke, keeping a firm hold on Katelyn's hands.

"I don't know. I think I just want to be alone." Katelyn stood up, leaving Chandler sitting on the bed. He let out a sigh.

"Alright. If you need anything, I'm here." He informs, getting up and going back to his computer desk. He grabbed his headset and puts it on. Katelyn leaves his room with a huff.  

"This is bullshit," Katelyn mutters to herself as she throws herself onto the bed. She looks over to her bedside where she catches a glimpse of her bible. She picks the Bible up and quietly reads the first paragraph.

 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Katelyn always felt comfort in her faith. In worrisome and scary moments, she would pray to God and find comfort in Him. She would find comfort in the words of her Bible. But now God felt like a stranger and the Bible felt like a lie. Katelyn place a hand on the corner of the page and ripped it out. She put her lips together as she ripped another page out. She looked blankly at her Bible as she ripped page after page. 

"Whoever I was talking to didn't exist," She whispers to herself, reflecting back to the many times she had prayed to Him. 
"I would ask you why mom and dad would get so mad whenever I mentioned a girl. I would ask you if you could change their minds. I remember when I would beg for you to make me normal, to make me straight. Turns out I was just talking to a wall." Katelyn felt herself choking on her tears as her hands firmly held the pages of the ripped Bible.


 "This sucks. So much." You whined, laying in bed as your mom sat by you, stroking your hair.

"I know, sweetie. Break-ups are absolutely the worst." Your mom cooed as you cried.

"I don't even know what went wrong! It felt like everything was going right. I thought we were in this perfect relationship but apparently not!" You scoff.

"Sweetie, I think we both know you and Katelyn were in different stages with your, um, sexuality," Your mom shifted a bit. 
"You are comfortable and confident in who you are and who you love. And that's amazing but I don't think Katelyn is at that stage just yet," she explained.

"What are you trying to say?" You wipe your tears away as you grab the bowl of ice cream that rested on the nightstand. 

"What I'm saying is, I don't think Katelyn has accepted herself yet. Once she's able to accept herself, then maybe she'll be ready to be in a relationship." Your mom reasoned. The cold spoon made its way out of your mouth as your favorite ice cream made its way down your throat.

"I get that she may not be ready for a relationship but that doesn't make it hurt any less." You cried. your mom gave you a strong hug.

"I know, baby. I'd love to stay but I have to work early in the morning. Try not to stay up too late, you hear?" Your mom asks, kissing your cheek.

"Yes, mom." You moan. You take another scoop of the ice cream sundae your dad prepared for you. As she closes your bedroom door, you turn on the TV to watch a show. After half an hour, you prepare yourself another sundae and eat in the comfort of your bed, ignoring the clock.

"Y/N?" You heard a small voice. You quickly wipe your tears away.

"Come in!" You announce as your little brother makes his way in. 

"Mom says you're feeling sad," Nick told.  You look down at your half-eaten ice cream sundae.

"Yeah, I am." You sigh. The kindergartener crawled into your bed.

"Is it true that you and Katelyn aren't girlfriend and girlfriend anymore?" Nick grimaces as he sits by you.

"Yeah, she told me she doesn't want to be my girlfriend anymore." You painfully admitted.

"And what did you do?" He asks. You let out a shrug, the television now serving as background noise.

"I cried. A lot. I'm still crying." You mumble.

"Does that mean Katelyn won't come to play anymore?" Nick grimaces. 

"No, I don't think she'll be coming over to play." You shrug.

"Can I have some ice cream?" He asks, his brown eyes glued to your bowl. You gave him a slight glare.

"Go get a spoon from the kitchen." You weakly smile at him. The little boy runs out of your room to return shortly. He makes himself at home, sitting by you and eating ice cream from the bowl.
"Save some for me, will ya?" You rub your tears away and Nick looks up at you, his face covered in ice cream syrup. He puts the sticky spoon down and opens his arms.

"Hug?" He offers. You let out a weak chuckle.

"Just- Don't get ice cream on me." You accepted his small embrace.

"I love you, Y/N." Nick leaned on you.

"I love you too." You weakly smile at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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