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are we still friends - Tyler the creator

IT had been a year, and a few months Angelica Kim has been apart of the 'plastics', the mean girls of north shore high school

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IT had been a year, and a few months Angelica Kim has been apart of the 'plastics', the mean girls of north shore high school.

The icons on the block. Karen smith, considered to be the most dumbest student in the school, has been really close to her.

The two were close, and would hang out alone every Friday to have a slumber party. They would discuss latest gossip and angelica would try and help Karen to gain more knowledge by making her practice reading elementary level subjects.

'Angie!' Karen yelled to her, meeting her best friend in the morning. The rest of the plastics hadn't arrived yet, Karen, surprisingly, walks to school.

The blonde was waving excitedly, raising her arms up and waving. 'Rin! Hi!' Angelica ran to her.

Or tried to, big yellow bus came, almost shocking and hitting angelica. 'Oh my god!' She muttered to herself.

'I'm okay!' Angelica lips to a worried Karen, after the bus drove away, she gave a thumbs up as a sign, laughing off the incident.

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