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       REGINA'S "flirting" hasn't left Angelica's mind for days

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REGINA'S "flirting" hasn't left Angelica's mind for days. Angelica knew though that it probably was more of a hangout invitation because Regina was dating Aaron.

The winter talent show made Angelica think about it even more.

She, and the other plastics, had to wear the infamous costume. Angelica still hated the skin tight red and black dress, and the stupid look of pairing it with gloves and boots, then the even dumber hat.

The four, besides Regina, were putting on last touches. "I mean, why would Regina send you guys candy canes and not me?" Gretchen asked.

"Maybe she forgot about you." Karen comments. "She's not that dumb." Angelica defended. "Regina has been acting weird lately, is there something bothering her?" Cady questioned, wanting to get information.

"Well, her parents totally don't sleep in the same bed anymore. If that's what you mean." Gretchen slipped, "Oh my god, don't tell her I told you that."

Angelica had seen that coming. Whenever she was at Regina's house Angelica pretended to notice she couldn't hear anything behind the walls of Regina's old bedroom.

Though she was also aware of Regina's constant concern for her parent's relationship.

Gretchen, Cady, and Angelica were watching the performances back stage. "I mean, no offense, but why would she send you a candy cane?" Gretchen pointed towards Cady.

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