99 Problems -12-

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The door swing open and I look back it was Kory. He ran over to me and Took the bag.

"What the f*ck AARON!?!" He yells a bit pissed off for what I saw in the bag.

"Well sorry but why do you have that!?!?"I ask him but he just throw the bag to his desk chair then looks at me and crosses his arms.

"Reasons.Now answer my question why the f*ck did you run away like what?" He asked he lifted a eyebrow. I sigh I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell him that I made a huge mistake.

"I can't tell you right now"I said to in a nervous voice.

"Aaron what can't you tell me?" He said walking to me and stroking my cheek.

"Cause I can't Kory!Also don't go all sweet to get sh*t out of me!" I said angry I hate it when people at sweet just to get you to talk.

"Watever you ASS!YOUR LIKE MY 99PROBLEM OF THE DAY!GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He yelled I just rolled my eyes and walked out of his room I saw his when I got he lifted a brow. I just walked right pass and didn't look back.

-Next day-

Kory and we weren't still talking when I got to school I went to fined Cindy. I found her in the library reading some books. I didn't feel like dealing with Kory and being his stupid 99 problem again. I sat down with Cindy and she looked at me with questioning look.

"Why so mad?" She asked me.

"We had a fight" I said shrugging. Cindy frowned and got up then hugged me.

Then be sat back down.

"Also what did you fined in his bag?" She asked wow Kory already told her? Well Kory why don't you tell my mom about it?

"I'm guessing he told you?" She nodded " I found porn in his bag, Cindy. PORN."

Her face went blank she didn't say or show anything few minutes later she burst out laughing.

"Like what gay porn!?!" She asked still laughing I nodded all that did is make her laugh more.

"Well Kory isn't so innocent is he?" She said I agreed with he isn't so innocent.

"Aaron can we talk?" I look back of me and see my nightmare again.

-Kory POV

I got to school wishing see my best friend Michelle but no sight. Damn it i don't want to me alone today I want to show Aaron I can live without him i don't need him every minute. But I miss his touch his soft lips- NO! Bad Kory.

"BABE!" Michelle came running to me and hugs me i fell on the floor but she went down with me. We laughed she's getting fat by the day. (X

"Hey Mich" I said she got off of me and stood up then out a hand out to help me get up.

"Hi Corny come on I got to be in the library cause Zeke is being a pussy and saying we don't spend time together." She annoyed they usually spend the WHOLE day together i say they need less time together.

"Okay lets go TO THE LIBRARY!" She screamed skipping to the way of the library i laugh and follow her.

_Few seconds later_

We got to the library and I saw Aaron with the guy he ran from before. I raise a brow he looked terrified i stop walking and look there way.

"No! Nick don't give me this bullshit!" Aaron yelled he looked at the edge of

crying. Wait Aaron crying?

"Oh come you use to love me! Damn you use to love me more when I had sex with you!" Nick said Aaron shook his head tears started to come out.

It pissed me off that NICK was making MY boyfriend cry. I walked up to him tapped his shoulder he turned around and i gave him a good punch. He fell on the ground his eyes widen. There way a print of my fist on his cheek.

"F*ck off Nick. Before i punch you again" I gave him the warning he got up and growled.

"You know what Kory you boyfriend is a whore all he knows how to break hearts and to suck cock" Nick said leaving pushing me a little.

I wanted to beat him up so bad but i have to keep my perfect reparation in school this is just like a little scratch to it. No biggie.

"Corny I didn't know you could punch!" Michelle walked up to and patted my back then she faked like she was crying."Im proud my baby has grown up"

Aaron looks at me like he seen his hero he stared at me then tears start flowing down his cheek. Cindy stood up fast and hugged Aaron. Aaron hugged her back and started sobbing. I frown at seeing my boyfriend crying but he's crying cause of Nick also me.

"Aaron-" Cindy cut me off and signed me to go away. Michelle got my hand i looked at her and she mouthed lets go. I nodded and looked back at Aaron and put my head down in guilt.

Im sorry Aaron



P.S i didn't check my work as usual so sorry for the grammar


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