POV: Destiny
"Hahahahaha, lookie a butterfly!" I said gleefully pointing out the pretty blue creature. Sean looks at me with a mix of disgust and something I can't describe.
"Is she insane?"
"Yes, yes, I am. HAHAHAHAHA! Ooh, look SHINY!" I shriek looking at Jaelynn's shirt. I run over, forgetting I had the end of the belt with Sean on it and ignoring his yells of pain as he fell face first off the curb, to poke it with my stick. I suddenly remember Sean, and turn to laugh at him as he tries to right himself.
"What do we do now?" Gavin asks from in front of me. I commence poking him.
"Well, maybe we should find somewhere to stay." Emily says slightly worried as she looks toward the sunset.
"What about that apartment over there?" Sean says from the ground. When I look at him, I see blood from the place where he skinned his nose and cheek.
"Do you have money, Sean, because I don't." Emily says.
Sean laughed," Please, if I had money, I wouldn't be wearing this crappy suit?"
"Point taken, Have you calmed down some? You won't kill anyone when I untie you right?" Emily asks worriedly as she unties him.