POV: Gavin
This would be interesting. I loved watching fights. All the sudden I heard someone sit next to me. I looked over and it was Jaelynn.
"Would you like some fabulous popcorn," she paused to eat some before she finishes her sentence,¨Oh, My!"
I look over to see Jenna and the guy have began fighting. I chuckle to myself, when is she not in a fight?
"Oh, Jenna," Jaelynn has a look on her face that describes motherhood.
"Why does Jenna fight a lot any way?" I ask Jaelynn.
"Because she's still mad at the world..." she looks down at her popcorn.
"why?" I don't get why she would hate the world.
"She has never forgiven it," she looks at me, " Jenna has always been guarded."
"Really," I look back to the fight, "she seems open to me."
"That just what she makes you think," she eats some more popcorn," would you like some more?"
I will never understand her. One moment she sounds like a monk and then she's back to herself, "No."