Chapacter 17

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Lulupopsiepooh writing cuz she's BAE!!!!! I was evil and added 21 my little pony books in the library for Megan 3:>
Megan's POV.
I was sat in a hospital, minor grazes on my hands and tears rolling down my face...

It was all a blur, me and Liam we just walking along the pathment, then he yelled something, pushed me away... And the horns, sounds of glass smashing, metal colliding. The rest was all a dream, horrible, horrible dream.

"Miss, miss?" A middle aged nurse rubbed my forearm.
My head darted up, "I-is Liam alright?"
"Your boyfriend is-"
"Friend." I interrupted. The guilt buried deeper into me- I hadn't been brave enough to call anyone, I gave the nurse (I'm not sure if it was this one, my mind is not in the room) my phone to call them, and they had probably seen it on the news.
"Your friend is in a stable condition, but I'm here for you." I think she smiled.
"My hands are fine." My feet tapped the floor nervously.
"Well darling, you are going into shock, and it's very normal for witnesses of accidents. But as you're pregnant, we want to try and calm you down, for your babies." She soothed.
"Did you call them are they coming." I hadn't once looked at her, I was staring at a depressing picture of a flower painted in blues and greys. The whole room was rather dull, greyish with tattered blinds, worn down cheap fabric chairs, an empty red vase on a glass table was the only colour in the room.
"What?" I asked,
"I said I have phoned them, nobody blames you for your friends injuries, he saved you." She rubbed my arm some more.
"Why is this room so bleak." I sighed.
"I don't know love, NHS doesn't really go all out on decorating."
The room was silent until the nurses pager bleeped, "your friends are here, shall I lead them in?" She asked. I nodded, though I didn't really want them seeing me like this. "Lovey, with your current state, I think it's best if I don't overwhelm you with company, so front desk is saying Lucy, Zayn, Rheanna, Evie, Natasha, Louis, Harry and Niall are here, who would you like?"
"Oh just bring them all, they all deserve to know what's happening to Liam." I told her.

Lucy was first in, I recognised her purple hair as she ran to me, "No kids, please remember, Megan has been in a car accident, and even if she isn't damaged on up the outside, her emotions are wild. Any questions about Liam's condition please ask me not her." The nurse asked. Lucy sat next to me hugging me as if I would fade away, the greens blue blur that was Evie's hair came in next with someone brown hair, probably Rheanna, and sat at my feet, someone blond came in and sat next to Lucy, Niall probably, curly hair and another blond came in, Harry and Louis? But black hair went to the nurse, probably Zayn.
I think Louis was the other side of me and someone was rubbing my back, "h-he saved me, he moved in front of me and the stupid car hit him! If it had hit me he wouldn't have been-"
"It wasn't your fault Megan, if the trunk had hit you, three times as many people would've been severely hurt, Liam saved you and the babies! Because well, indeed to think what might have happened to them..." Lucy interrupted.
"One mummy... two baby... three...?" I heard Evie counting slowly, "twins?" She giggled.
"Well I didn't think I'd be telling you all like this, but yes, I'm having twins." My voice still dry and my eyes still fixed on the painting. I could hear whispers, probably Evie's new baby knowledge, and the slightly stronger murmur of Zayn and the nurses conversation filled my ears; I heard a male voice cracking a 'what?' And then the nurse mumbling things, probably trying to use her 'powers of relaxation'.
"What's wrong?" I asked my eyes slowly moving from the fixed view of the painting. Zayn sunk onto the floor from the wall with his face in his hands, the nurse looked pretty regretful.
"Well the extent of Liam's injuries were not fully known: a fractured leg, a punctured left lung, 3 broken ribs, a fractured collar bone,"
All the words were little knives twisting in my heart, but the last sucked the air from my body and was the final huge knife in my body.
"Major amnesia."
A choked cried could be heard coming from Zayn, but my body wouldn't do anything until bile crept up my throat and I lunged for the little red vase.
"N-no! They've got it wrong!" I croaked, "it was all my fault!" I was crying hysterically.
The nurse apologised as she made everyone leave, though it was just a blur to me, all I could think of was the times we'd spent together and the way he lost his entire life memories just to save me. Everything I looked at reminded me of him, blue; jeans, that time we painted together and got more paint on us than the canvases...
A pair of arms enveloped me, I was pretty sure it was Zayn.
"We'll rebuild his memories," he promised, "I can't live without him."

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now