Chapter 1 : 'First' meet

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It was 10th grade at the private school, Feet Academy, when Ed Sheeran realised he was late for math class like the little nerd he was.💀


Ed Sheehan ran to class 'pussyslayer69', only to crash into a tall, handsome, chunky man. It was Sangwoo, Ed Sheeran's senpai 👉👈 Ed Sheeran had been crushing on him for as long as he could remember. Sangwoo caught Ed by the waist and held him from falling. Suddenly Ed got back to his senses and picked himself up from Sangwoo's grasp, dusting himself down. He became all red and flustered. ☺️

"I-i'm so s-sorry senpai, i didn't mean to crash into u.." Ed said apologetically.
"Don't worry about it kitten, at least you crashed into me out of all people.😘"
Sangwoo winked, creating Ed into a blushing mess.

"So, where are you off to?" Sangwoo said as he helped pick up ed's fallen books.
"M-math class. AH, please don't bully me for liking math 😣😣" Ed put his hands on his face to hide his embarrassment. Sangwoo looked curiously.
"Why would I bully you? You're smart it's cute"

Ed didn't understand what was going on... sangwoo was, FLIRTING WITH HIM? 🫣
"H-huh oh... thank you senpai, no one has ever said that to me." Ed replied.

Sangwoo quietly laughed and smirked at his remark to make him feel embarrassed.
Then Ed realised his reason for running into him in the first place. Math class! 😭

"Sangwoo, I really have to go now. I'm sooo late, but thank you!" Ed ran away to class as fast as his triple toed feet would carry him, head in his books. 📖 All he could think about was Sangwoo and his flirty comments!
Meanwhile Sangwoo sighed thinking to himself.

"God Ed is so cute, I wonder how I could ask him out.."

Blossoming Love ♡ Sangwoo x Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now