Strommale (Part Two): Break Point [S1]

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Content Warning: Violence.

This chapter has a lot of violence in it than I normally write. For some, this warning might not be necessary, but it could for others. This is a disclaimer just in case.

Viewer Discretion is advised.


Cora silently crept behind the goon of Miss Morrigan, the one whom she made orders to. She was silently listening from the shadow of her cup, making sure to take note of Walker's reactions beforehand, seeing how he was in vicinity of the interaction. With eyes analyzing his very subtle movement to Alexander, she knew she had to take action.

First, she took note of what exactly he was doing. If it wasn't anything super important, she was going to go back to her post to keep watch from the darkness. As she continued to follow the man however, it became clear that he was locking all of the exits to the building.

Cora slowly moved without a sound, using her niche magic to glid from wall to wall, blending in as she waited to strike. There were people patrolling the area, which was not ideal for taking out the target. But Cora has practice with this, the patience of following behind the scenes. This was not new for her, but it was gradually annoying to visibly see their escape routes being locked up one by one.

This wasn't good if they were to make a run for it.

Her chance to step into the light came when the man turned a corner, and made movements to lock a backdoor. She quickly glanced around to see if there were any other witnesses to take care of, before silently stepping forwards out of the wall.

She walked leisurely towards the man who still had his back turned, and used her hand to conjure her magic, summoning shadow hands snatch the poor soul and drag him to the ground. The man opened his mouth to scream, but Cora was quicker as she pulled out a pocket knife and slit the man's throat, leaving him to silently gargle his own blood as she dragged his body into the abyss, never to be found again.

Without a single drop of remorse, she wiped her knife and walked back into the wall, ready to take action once more as she moved back to report to Walker.

As a child of the descendants of the Moon Goddess, Yena's blessings, this type of work has been in their family for generations. This is not her first rodeo when it comes to silent assassinations like so.

And it certainly won't be her last.


"Fuck, this door is locked too mate." Robbie hissed as he tried to yank the door handle open but to no avail. Blaine growled and walked past his friend to attempt at another handle but was unsuccessful. He ran a hand through his hair and looked back towards Robbie,

"This is fucked."

Robbie didn't give up hope however, as he walked back to analyze the building. He saw shadows through the windows, therefore he was able to conclude that there were in fact people in there. That didn't help his psyche however, since the fact that they were locked from the outside meant that they were locked in the inside as well.

There was no possible way that could spell for good news.

Blaine was looking for another way inside when he saw a piece of a side building and a ladder that was most likely used for maintenance. His eyes followed the path to see that the small building was on the same elevation as a second floor window, and let out a small sound that alerted Robbie.

Robbie instantly tensed and unsheathed his sword, ready for battle.

"What is it?!"

Blaine pointed to the building, "This way, Rob. It seems to lead to a window, hopefully it will work."

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