Disclaimers & Acknowledgements:

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These are all inspired by Ally Carter's original series as well as Sarah Coury's the Listen Series. They either take place during the time of the series, from different character's point of view, or after. They contain mega spoiler's, so if you have not read the Gallagher Girls or the Listen Series, do not pass go. Do not collect $200.I do not own these characters, I did not create them. I am simply inspired by them and have written a few things about them. Sarah is gracious enough to let me share my writing, while using her characters as inspiration.

For this particular one: This is inspired by a comment Cammie and Zach make in one of the first few chapters to Over and Run With, the final book in the Listen Series. 

This is Morgan Goode's point of view and takes place the summer after the last book. 

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