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But also, you know the conversation at the end of the night had to go a little something like this between Cam & Zach: She's laying in bed, Ruby snuggled up next to her, almost asleep. Zach is playing with her hair. "So, there were a lot of other dogs, and animals that needed to be rescued and-" "Please tell me you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" "Cam. They don't have homes. We could just-" "Zach, we don't have a permanent address. What are you going to-" "Well, hear me out. We could hire people to take care of them, open like a sanctuary for spy pets. A place to take care of operatives dogs while they're away. I bet that's why a lot of people don't get them and think of all of the lives we could save Cam!" Cam looks at her husband, who is whole heartedly not kidding and she grins. He kisses her cheek quickly, gets out of bed, explains he's going to go call Joe, because he think he'll be on board too. #tell me I'm wrong

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