Happy Anniversary:

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"Morgan, I cannot believe how much grief you gave me about Star Wars and you haven't read Harry Potter!"

"Well, I've seen the movies..."

"Well, we're reading them this summer now. No ifs, ands, or buts." He grabbed the first one from the stack and tossed it to me.

"I may have an if..." I grinned from the floor. He gave me a look, "What if-"

"You have to read them! We can watch the movie after each book. That's my only offer." He crossed his arms.

"You don't even want to hear my suggestion? You may like it." I propped up on my elbows, grinning. He cocked his eyebrow, waiting, "What if you read them to me?"

He stared at me and opened his mouth, but then the front door opened and my dad's head popped in. He let out the most un-spy-like sound ever, "Pssst. Mags. Luke. Is Cam in there?"

We looked around the room, even though we already knew the answer, and shook our heads no. My dad kicked the door open, holding a tiny little puppy in his arms.

I'm not going to lie to you, I let out a very girly, very shrill squeal that I am not proud of. You would have too though if you saw this puppy. She was a dark copper, golden retriever.

Dad shushed me furiously, but couldn't keep the grin off his face, "She's pretty cute, isn't she?" He handed her to me and Luke and him knelt down next to me, the puppy yawned and licked my chin.

She propped her paws up on my chest and turned her head, like she was trying to get a read on me but couldn't and Luke grinned, "Get used to that pup, you'll never figure her out." And I laughed and the puppy barked.

"What was that?" my mother's voice called from the hallway.

I set the puppy down and she ran towards the hallway to investigate. I grinned at dad, "She's a natural spies best friend."

He laughed and then grinned as he heard my mom shout in a high pitched voice. The one that everyone gets around a puppy, "Oh my goodness! Who are you?" She entered the room, grinning and holding the puppy. The puppy was panting in her arms, wagging her tail, "Zach?"

"Happy Anniversary!" Dad stood and started over to her.

Mom smiled. No, she absolutely beamed, "You got me a puppy?"

"Well they were all out of that new laser lipstick you wanted, so figured a puppy was the next best thing." He went in to kiss her and the puppy barked at him. We all laughed as dad's head fell, "Hey, who's side are you on?" She barked again and he rolled his eyes, petting her.

"What's her name?" I asked excitedly as mom brought her over to where I was sitting again. She trotted around, investigating the space - taking in her surroundings.

"Buddy?" Dad smirked.

Mom grinned, "Lady?"

"Lassie?" Dad shot back.

I knew they'd keep going so I interjected, "Ruby?" They both looked at me and I smiled, "Like ruby slippers?"

They looked at me and smiled and then gave each other a look that made me want to barf, "Ew. Not if you'll look at each other like that every time you call her name."

They laughed and dad ruffled my hair, "Hey, it's our anniversary. We're allowed to be a little unbearable today."

I sighed, but let out a smile. I watched them look at each other and did have to admit it was nice to see, especially when there was a time when we all thought they would never be celebrating this day together again. A lot had built to this moment, my family, finally at peace at a midwestern ranch with a puppy, celebrating their anniversary with my dad fulfilling his promise to my mom.

Matt and Scout came in from the garage, sweating from a workout. Ruby ran over to them barking and running around their feet. They both knelt down, grinning, and her barking subsided as they pet her.

Matt looked up at all of us, "Who is this?" He laughed as she licked his chin and wriggled around.

My dad grinned at me, "Your mom's anniversary present. Meet Ruby."

"Hey, can I get a puppy for our anniversary?" Matt beamed up at Scout from the floor, Ruby jumping on him.

Scout rolled his eyes, "Sure. Gotta ask me to marry you first."

Matt grinned from the floor Scout's eyes got wide. I grinned.

I could tell Scout was flustered though, so I pulled the attention off of them, "Okay, what's the secret mom and dad? Twenty-three years together, you gotta have the best relationship intel."

Mom laughed as Ruby came running over to dad who was on all fours, chasing her, "Don't take each other too seriously."

Dad rolled away from Ruby, "But never underestimate each other."

Mom smiled at him and waggled her fingers at Ruby, "Honesty. Even when it's hard"

Dad was grabbing a ball out of the bag he brought in with Ruby, "Especially when it's hard."

I involuntarily glanced at Luke only to find him looking back at me.

We kept looking at each other as my mom said, "Compromise."

Dad rolled the ball towards Matt and Scout, and raised his eyebrows, "A lot. Of. Compromise."

Mom rolled her eyes, getting down and sitting on his lap, and she kissed his cheek and hugged him, "Surprise each other."

Dad looked at her, his voice quiet, "But never take for granted the everyday moments of joy and love. Be grateful for the little things. Like when she makes your coffee just right."

She leaned in closer, "Or when he picks you up a pack of M&M's on his way home from disarming a bomb."

They were about to kiss and I yelled, "Ew! Stop!" at the same time Matt groaned, "Gross. Get a room!"

Dad closed his eyes and sighed and mom laughed, kissing his forehead and stood up. Dad groaned and fell back on the ground, "And never have kids. They'll never leave you alone."

Ruby ran to him and pounced on his chest and we all laughed.


Later in the evening, Matt and Scout were outside running around with Ruby, Luke and I were on the couch. I watched as my dad stirred something and then gave it to my mom to taste and then he kissed her and she laughed, hitting him with a loaf of bread as he tickled her.

I sighed and picked up Harry Potter and cracked the cover. Luke put his book down, scooched closer to me, pulling my legs onto his lap as he grabbed the book from me and started reading aloud quietly. I smiled snuggling into his chest, listening to his voice and reading along with him. 

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