Chapter 1- The Plight of David Davie David

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"Hey, David! Over here!"
I turned around.
"Giulia, I was just looking for y- oh," I deflated as I saw who it was. "Hi Denise."
"I was just wondering, do you wanna go to a movie after school on Friday? They're showing a bunch. We can go to whatever you want I don't care," Denise exclaimed. I sighed and looked down at her. Way down. Denise was as short as a really short fire ant.
"No thanks, Denise. I'm busy."
"Doing what?"
"I've gotta go to a funeral." I blurted out. Dammit.
"Oh my gosh. Who died?" She gasped. I panicked, thinking fast.
"My fish. We had him for 7 days. That's a family record." I lied.
"What happened to the other ones?" Denise furrowed her eyebrows.
"I killed them. On purpose." I said, too fast. Uh-oh. Denise narrowed her eyes and walked away without a word, floofing her hair that was as brown as an untoasted pumpernickel bagel as she went. I went back to staring at Giulia, the most beautiful girl in our school. I felt my heart skip as she smiled at me. Giulia had hair the color of Cheetos and smooth skin as tan as a Victoria's Secret beige DD bra. Her eyes were dark copper, like a 1974 penny. As she turned away, my heart pounded. The whistle blew that signaled we had to go back inside. I ripped my eyes off of her. She would never love me back, I thought darkly as I walked inside. She was a Bag of Jalepeno Vinegar Popcorn, and I was a bag of Veggie booty. We were just too different.
My name is David Davie David in this is my quest for true love.

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