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He can't have caught more than two hours at most, when a noise wakes up the Jötunn prince. He's startled at first, trying to remember where he is, when he notices a part of the wall near him, slowly opening up like a secret door. Scared, he already considers taking his things to run, but when he sees it is Thor, he relaxes again, and doesn't bother hiding his appearance. Instead, he yawns, demanding: "What do you want from your king at this hour, Thor?", wiping his eyes. "Nothing but to please his every desire, my lord!", his brother gives back with a chuckle, moving to sit down on the bed with him. The trickster is still drowsy, and thus doesn't think anything of it at first. And still doesn't, when Thor pats over the blanket covering him, remarking: "You must be exhausted! I would like to help you relax!" "I was relaxed until you have awoken me!", Loki snaps now, staring annoyed at his brother, wrapped only in a thin toga. But when he lets his hand rest on his slightly bloated belly, the Jötunn sits upright, wide awake at once. Thor meanwhile replies in a soft hush: "Oh, forgive me, my king! How ever can I make it up to you?", looking at him with glaring desire.

Loki's mind is racing. The images of himself and Thor, lying with each other in this bed, his brother kissing his uncovered skin, resurface in his head, and frightened, he starts to shake. He mustn't just shove Thor away, lest he wants another discussion about why he is acting as if under a spell, but he certainly doesn't want to engage in whatever it is the blond warrior wishes to do with him. However, he believes he has a solution, when his brother repeats: "You must be exhausted, my dear! Come, lay off this form, let me pleasure you!"

The trickster regains his calm, and crossing his arms, smiles arrogantly: "Oh, I don't think so! I will remain this way! If you do not want me as your king, then you don't deserve to have me at all!" But he is shocked again, when Thor simply raises a brow, to start tugging at the covers, replying: "Hm. Well, suit yourself, my king, I was only being considerate! But rest assure, I want you just as much in this body as another!" And before Loki can react, he grabs his hand with his own left, again kissing his fingers tenderly, while pulling away the blanket with his right. The Frost Giant flinches, and opens his mouth to protest, but instead gives off an uncontrolled yelp, as Thor turns his hand to lick the inside of it. He stares at it surprised, while his brother gives him a cheeky grin, before sliding over his hand and wrist with his tongue again, making the Jötunn jolt.

To Loki's horror, his brother's touch actually tickles something inside him, making his blood pump, and sending shivers down his spine. It amazes him, as he never expected to have such reactions towards being touched, and in those places as well. Then again, noone ever did touch him in such a tender manner, and not with any romantic desire either. But it still confuses him, that his hand and wrist should be this sensitive. He would have expected other parts of his body to be much more willing to dispense pleasure and arousal. Though he would not have counted his ankle to be one, but as Thor's free hand reaches down to brush over it with his fingertips, Loki nearly kicks at him from flinching hard. And that's not the only limb that has a sudden upward movement.

"Oh, by the tree!", Loki breathes overwhelmed and humiliated, while Thor just smirks, again lavishly licking over his palm and pulse, while moving up his leg to tickle the inside of his knee, making Loki moan unexpected. He quickly covers his mouth, pulling back both hands, and tries to close his legs, but ends up locking in his brother's hand in the process. The blond warrior just looks down on it with satisfaction, letting his eyes wander upwards, over the little tent rising in Loki's crotch, and then stares into his face with lust, remarking: "Oh my, do I excite you so easily today, my king? You must really have missed me then!" And he moves towards his face, getting ready to kiss him with passion once more.

But Loki puts up a finger, and still breathing heavy demands: "Wait!" Thor's head stops just in front of it, and he raises a brow, but Loki quickly commands: "You will not enter my body!" His brother looks a bit confused, so he repeats: "You do not have my permission! You shall not enter me, and that is final!" The trickster prays that his highly motivated lover will honor his prohibition, seeing how his toga is twitching in its lower regions, and gulps nervously, when Thor draws a large breath, as if to voice his protest. But instead, his brother retrieves his hand from his clenched legs, and once again pats over his stuffed tummy, musing: "Understandable! After all, I can imagine that you feel quiet full already!"

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