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"um, excuse me." matt was woken up by a voice. he was still in the hospital chair. he glances at the time: 8:06 pm. he'd been asleep for an hour. matt look's around for the voice. he could've imagined it, but she sounded exactly like his evelyn.

"i'm down here." the voice says. matt's head turns toward the bed so quickly, his neck almost snapped. eyes filling with tears, the boy had no words except to stare in shock at the girl in front of him.

"ev..." he breathed. not knowing what to do except stare. the girl looked confused and a little.., creeped out?

"yeah, hi. are you my doctor, or..." she trailed off, waiting for an answer.

are you my doctor?

matt could swear he felt his heart shatter right then and there. his breath became shaky and his vision blurred.

"i'm sorry." he choked out before hurrying out of the room, pushing past nick and chris who had witnessed the whole thing. unable to contain himself, matt ran into the nearest bathroom, which was thankfully empty, and started to cry.

"matt?" chris walked into the bathroom. he saw his brother crying by the sink and felt a rush of sympathy for his brother. without saying anything, chris engulfed his brother in a giant bear hug.

"why didn't she recognize me?" matt asked, pulling away and looking at chris. "she thought i was the doctor. do i fucking look like a doctor?" he started breathing heavily. chris knew he was near having a panic attack.

"hey, hey, hey, come here, matt." chris led him outside to one of the chairs in the waiting room. "just breathe. everything's gonna be okay, matt. i promise. nick called the doctor over and he's checking her right now. do you wanna go back in there?"

"what if she thinks i'm a total weirdo. the way i ran out like that?"

"you had every right to leave like that, matt. no one's gonna think you're a weirdo."

"matt!" nick had caught up to them. he took a deep breath. "she's asking for you."

"want me to come with you?" chris asked. matt thinks for a moment before nodding. chris puts his arm around matt's shoulder as the two start walking. "i'm here for you, bro."

— — — — —

matt walked into the room. evelyn's father was here now, accompanied by the doctor.

"hey matt." mike mallard gave him a hug. "thank you for staying with her when i couldn't" he added. matt smiled, weakly.

"it was no problem. i wanted to stay." he looked down at the floor. mr. mallard pat him on the shoulder, gently.

"i'll leave you guys alone." he says, leaving the room

"hi." evelyn says.

"hey." matt replies. chris also waves.

"um, your other brother and my dad told me that you're– that you're my boyfriend?" she sounded unsure and looked at the doctor for help, who nodded.

"yeah, i am. do you really not remember me?" matt asked. evelyn grimaces and shakes her head.

MOVIES , m. sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now