Prologue- The Blueprint

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Philosopher Khalil Gibran wrote,
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars."

As the car came to a stop, I turn to face the passenger seat to see the man I love still in deep sleep: Aaron.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me, his face appearing oddly solemn. I began blushing; it had dawned on me that I was staring.

For minutes we just gazed into each others' eyes, our faces inches apart. I opened my mouth to announce our arrival, but his eyes were overcome with lust. Before I could speak, he leaned up and grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger, bringing his lips to mine and sending shivers down my spine. His lips, for some reason felt cold, and shared a similar texture to plastic, or rubber.

My eyes widened as I observed him: his eyes were sealed and I quickly copied. Putting my arm around his waist and tilting my head to the left, I noticed his lack of movement. Yes, I had always wanted this, but something seemed off.

Opening my eyes once more I come to realize his whole body was motionless, not because of the passionate kiss, but it seems that he wasn't even breathing.
Separating our faces, I saw that he remained frozen.

"Yami, what's wro-" I said, before getting interrupted by a loud thud near my left ear, as something hit my car window.

Gasping at the start, I turned behind me to see nothing but darkness. My breathing quickened, as I confusingly pivoted towards Aaron and notice, he too was astray. The darkness that was previously on the outside of my window, was everywhere by now, and the car was missing.

I was standing in silence, for what seemed like forever when all of a sudden, I could hear screams in the distance. Screams that sounded somewhat familiar, and that made every hair on the back of my neck stand with ease. I quickly began running in what seemed to be the direction of the ungodly screams, still engulfed in darkness.

Minutes pass and I'm still running, the reason now growing amiss.
Suddenly a spotlight erupts and I am blinded. As my vision regained, in front of me was my lover.
Aaron was thin, tear stained, and still sobbing. He stood there with his arms open, revealing his scarred up and bloody forearms, while his head was bandaged and the gauze also appeared to be bloody. I couldn't produce words, but the tears on my cheeks spoke clearly. The lump in my throat dissolved as I attempted to converse.
"Aaron... I-" I choked but was intervened by the one I love, full of agony and despair.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Mark?" He asked with sorrow filled eyes.
"I don't know I-" croaking through my tears, "I didn't think you would love me back!"
He just stood there, continuing to cry. "This is all your fault!" He screamed at me, while his right hand traveled to his pants.
Before I could respond, he abruptly grasped a bottle of pills from his pocket, and began opening it hastily. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, and couldn't stop him: just stand and watch in torment as he swallowed each and every small, yellow capsule. I could hardly watch, yet I couldn't look away.
As gravity overtook his body, and it was close to impacting the ground, as if time slowed, he mouthed the words "I love you," upon hitting the dark floor. Even as his body fell, the only sound audible was a plastic, and hallow bottle rolling across the floor.

"Aaron!" I screamed as the darkness around, submerged me and I open my eyes to reveal my bedroom, just as it was when I had fallen asleep.

The clock on my bedside table read 4am and my forehead was soaked in sweat. My eyes were swollen and red, while tears were continuing to fall onto my bare chest. Pondering the nightmare I had just experienced, the thought of Aaron came to my mind: I hope he's okay, we haven't talked in days. I miss him...

I couldn't sleep so I concluded on checking on him. Grabbing my phone from my bedside table, I hesitated, then selected Aaron's contact.

My first call went to voicemail, but my second was welcomed by my short breathed, sobbing best friend.

First part! Uploading the second soon, so comment suggestions and they may appear. Hope you enjoyed!
Too short? Too long? I'd appreciate feedback!

*First of all, yes, It will be in Aaron's POV too, but this is just the prologue.

*Second, yes, this is my first long story and another yes, I will be an active updater.

Please comment about the story. I'm always on!

I hope to see you, in the next chapter.... Bye bye


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