Chapter 12- The Exception

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I won't hesitate no more... It cannot wait, I'm yours.
There's no need to complicate: our time is short. This is our fate, I'm yours

Aaron's POV:
Marks words:
"I love you," remain on my mind.
I sit up, after I had pretended to fall asleep and began walking towards the bathroom. The bedside clock read 9 o'clock and the warm carpet on my bare feet turned to tile upon entering the threshold.
Mark promised, long ago, but doesn't care anymore.
Rumbles shook the house at its core and I could feel the pieces of my heart dance along with it.
Once I closed the door, I fell to my knees and leaned hard against the tub: I couldn't control my sobs. Minutes went by of uncontrollable crying until I stood in front of the mirror.
The reflection told stories: horror, pain, and sorrow.

One minute the cabinet was closed, the next it was open.
One minute I was standing, the next I lie on the floor, alone.

Nobody cares. Mark lied: he doesn't love me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door, one of which startled me.

"Aaron? What's wrong?" Mark said hastily, his voice making me cringe.
"You promised." I whispered, quiet enough that he didn't hear me.
"What?" He asked, still trying to turn the locked knob.
"You promised!" I yelled, looking down at the bottle in my hands.
Mark went silent when I said that but I continued to open the small bottle, revealing hundreds of little yellow capsules.
"Aaron, please open the door!" Mark hollered, whilst banging on the door once again.

Marks POV:
"You promised!" Aaron yelled.

Promised what?
He... did hear me? Oh god.

Before I could say anything I heard the tab of a bottle open and the memory of the Melatonin enters my daft mind. Quickly I began banging on the door, hoping that he'd give in.

"Aaron, please open the door!" I yelled.
"Aaron? Please!"
"Aaron stop, I love you!" I yelled as I stood back to ram the door.
Still silence.

Tears flood down my cheeks when the sound of my sobbing was replaced with the creak of somebody struggling to turn the knob.
The door erupted open and I was engulfed in a tight, bony hug. Aaron sobbed into my shoulder while I stroked his back in calming circles. As I looked over his shoulder I could see the bathroom tiles covered in little yellow capsules and the empty bottle rolling on its side.

"Mark-" Aaron choked into my shoulder, still silently sobbing, "I'm sorry."
"Aaron, stop. It's my fault."
"No, Mark I shouldn't have treated you like that-" he began, raising his head to look into my longing eyes, "you don't deserve it and-"
"Aaron!" I interrupted his banter by gripping his chin with my thumb and index finger, bringing his lips to mine. At the moment his warm, soft lips hit mine, they moved in perfect unison.
After seconds of passionate kissing, I pulled my face away and looked into his deep brown eyes.
"I love you."
The edges of his lips perked into a joy filled smile but his smile soon faded and he backed away, eyes welling up again and twiddling his thumbs.
"Mark, this isn't a fucking fairy tale." He said, loud and stern. "Two men can't fall in love when all society plans to do is tear them down, so Mark-" I quickly pulled him close and brought my lips inches away from his ear when I interrupted his frantic rant with a quiet whisper.

"I guess we're the exception."

Finally I can use fan art of them kissing!

It's not over, don't worry!! There's still more to come and I will end it fluffy!!
Last chapter up soon but I love you guys!
I'm going to publish a oneshot book and I wanted to ask, should I wait to upload until this story is done, or get it over with? I have two already done I just wanted advice.

Last question:
What is your favorite novel/book/book series?
My answer:
Favorite book- Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

apollo22500 - Too many books, I can't pick a favorite!
{The struggles are real my friend}

InnasaurXD - Mine. Lol jk XD
{Narcissism at its finest people! Lol}

@InsaneWithTrustIsues - There's too many to choose from. Does all the Markimash books count?
{Of course! Anything counts}

Final question:
What is your zodiac sign?
My answer:
Aries (March)

Comment your response and I hope to see you, in the next chapter... Bye, bye

~Mama Red

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