Part 2, Chapter 9: Growing up and Hunger Pangs

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Lilia turned around, "yes?"
The queen was huffing as she came running down the hall, "please! You have to help me! Malleus is throwing a fit!"
Lilia sighed as he shook his head, "do you really need me for this? Didn't I teach you when to put your foot down?"
She clasped her hands together and begged, "please! Just this once! I promise this is the last time!"
Lilia smiled, "oh, alright. But only because you asked so nicely."
They marched down the hall and up the stairs towards Malleus' room. Lilia placed his hand on the knob, giving the queen a stern look, "the last time."
"Yes! I promise!" She quickly held out her pinky.
Lilia locked his with hers and their hands became surrounded by briar vines that were glowing bright green. Lilia's hair sprayed out like a cat's as his eyes glinted in the lime lighting.
The queen was always a little scared of Lilia's magic and how he seemed like a different person when he used it.
The vines burned into ash.
Lilia opened the door and was almost hit in the head with a chair.
"Now, now," Lilia walked it, holding the chair above his head, "is that any way to treat a guest?"
The child was, indeed, throwing a fit. Malleus was chucking things around the room and setting them on fire as big tears fell down his face.
Malleus folded his chubby little arms and sniffled.
Lilia placed his hands on his hips after setting the chair down. He sat himself down and flicked his hair over his shoulder.
Malleus hiccuped, spewing fire at a shelf that was instantly incinerated.
The queen peeked through the doorway anxiously.
Lilia folded his arms loosely, speaking to Malleus in a somewhat disappointed tone, "come now, what's the matter?"
Malleus' angry tears were dried up and replaced with sad ones. He got onto his little feet, having a hard time balancing with the tail that dragged behind him. He walked over to Lilia, bawling his eyes out.
Lilia heaved a sigh, "really, I'm sure you're overreacting."
Malleus buried his face in Lilia's shirt, simultaneously soaking it and setting it on fire.
Lilia pat the child's head and looked towards the door, "and what's all this about?"
The queen stepped in, pressing her fingers together, "we were only playing, then he suddenly grew a tail and horns and started lighting things on fire... I guess he scared himself..."
Lilia giggled, "really? It's not everyday we get a dragon in the family!" He laughed as he took Malleus into his arms, "I think your horns are lovely!"
Mealies was repeatedly sniffing. He was barely five and was still quite chubby. Probably because his mother loved to spoil him. It seemed his favorite thing to do was stare at people. And try to poke their eyes out.
Lilia gently caressed Malleus' horns, "see? It's nothing scary? It's just you."
Malleus stared up at him blankly.
Lilia looked back at the queen, "you know, you never stared as much as he does."
She shrugged, "he doesn't stare that much..."
"Really? Because he seems to always be looking directly into my soul." Lilia opened his eyes wide and pressed his forehead to Malleus'. He didn't seem to care.
The queen smiled, "maybe he likes your eyes. They are the most red I've seen."
Lilia shrugged as he straightened back up, "well. My job here is done." He handed Malleus to his mother and wiped his hands together.
"Well I stopped him, didn't I? You make good on your promise, now," Lilia waved as he walked out.
The queen blinked down at Malleus, "he's quite special, isn't he?" She poked his chubby little face with a bright smile, "we have to make sure we never loose him, alright?"
Now Malleus was an adult, completely self sufficient and a handsome young man. His mother still doted on him as if he were a child. She always gave the excuse that he was the only person she had to spoil.
Now, the queen came hurriedly towards Malleus.
"What is it?" He asked worriedly.
"Have you seen Lilia? I cant find him anywhere," she seemed very stressed over this.
"No, I haven't seen him at all today," Malleus' brows came together.
There was a loud crash from down the hall.
Malleus and his mother locked eyes.
"The kitchen," he said quietly. Lilia was probably creating another inedible concoction and breaking more plates.
The queen looked down the hall, "he won't find what he's looking for..."
There was another crash, followed by several more.
The queen assumed an authoritative tone, "tell the guard to close and lock all windows and doors. Meet me back at the kitchen."
Malleus nodded solemnly.
"Hurry," she took his arm gently, "please." She knew she couldn't do this alone. She could never bring herself to do anything to him. She steeled her nerves as much as she could before she and her son went separate ways down the hall.
The queen halted before the entrance to the kitchen, glad she hadn't ran into anyone on the way over and even more thankful that there didn't seem to be anyone around at all.
The sound of rummaging was very loud in her ears. Pots were scraping against each other and it sounded like there was a whole nursery of raccoons in the kitchen.
She held her breath as she peeked around the corner and into the kitchen.
Someone was digging through the cupboards, almost completely inside the box-shaped container. Only their boots stuck out.
The other end of the cupboard was forced open by more pans falling out and the boots receded into the container.
Malleus returned swiftly, sparkles glittering around him as he teleported to his mother's side. "Where?" He whispered.
The queen pointed to the cupboard, "let's wait for him to come out first..."
Malleus agreed and they both went silent.
It wasn't long until the cupboard opened and the boots reappeared. Their owner backed out and began going through drawers, throwing silverware over their shoulder.
The queen stepped in first, making sure her boots clicked loudly against the stone floor.
The monster that wore Lilia's appearance looked over at her immediately. It bared its fangs at her, snarling and assuming a defensive stance.
She took a quiet breath, trying not to start crying. She hated this. She hated whoever did this to him.
"Lilia, we can help you..."
Suddenly, its expression changed and its hands twitched. It seemed to panic, throwing random objects at her in a wide spray before sprinting to the door.
Malleus stepped out and wrapped his arms around Lilia.
Lilia kicked off the floor and burst into glitter before reappearing a short distance down the hall.
"He's headed for the main doors!" Malleus yelled before poof-ing away.
The queen hurried to inform everyone she could to gather in the main hall to help.
Malleus lay in hiding, waiting for Lilia to step out into the open room. He should be coming down the stairs any moment.
Sure enough, Lilia stalked his way down the stairs, looking around with his slit-shaped pupils. His canines stuck out of his mouth as he gazed around the room suspiciously.
Just because he couldn't control himself didn't mean he was any less sly. That was the hard part: outsmarting Lilia.
The moment Lilia got to the middle of the stairs Malleus appeared behind him and ensnared him in his arms again, "Lilia, listen to me! You can fight this!"
Lilia growled and thrashed in Malleus' grip, acting like a wild animal. It was like he couldn't even understand Malleus...
"Please! Lilia, you have to fight it!!"
Lilia was fighting against Malleus madly and it took all the young fae had just to keep Lilia restrained for these few seconds.
Lilia wriggled and writhed and finally squeezed his way out of Malleus' arms, kicking off of him towards the ceiling. His eyes were set on one of the broken windows in the clerestory, staring intently from were he was crouching on the chandelier. He seemed like a cat staring eerily at an empty corner of the room.
"Lilia! Wait!" The queen shouted as she ran down the stairs, looking up.
Lilia looked down at her with no expression. He was silent, as if listening.
Everyone in the hall was tense. What was he going to do? Would this beast flee or try to fight? They all knew no one was a match for Lilia...
"Lilia, please," the queen spoke sincerely, "we can get you whatever you might need. Come down and we can try to talk, okay?..."
Lilia stared at her intently with his big, red eyes. He stayed stark still for a long moment.
Nobody dared to breathe.
The monster shot out the window.
The queen let out a long, defeated sigh. She slowly lowered onto her knees and pressed a hand to her forehead, "he's been eating, I'm sure... I- I swore I made sure..."
Malleus placed a hand on her shoulder gently, "it isn't your fault... I'm sure Lilia had a good reason... I'll send someone to keep an eye on him."
She pressed her palms into her eyes, "who knows when he'll come back... we still don't even understand why this happens... It certainly smells like a curse, but..." She sighed heavily, "it doesn't make any sense. What kind of rules are they?... it doesn't seem to be just when he hasn't eaten, so..."
Malleus's stared at his shoes, "he really hasn't told you?..."
She shook her head, "whenever I try to ask he always manages to change the subject..."
"I'm sure it's a curse," Malleus spoke quietly, "the details don't matter. What matters is that he's aware of how dangerous he is... I hate to say it but he runs away for our own safety..."
The queen shook her head, burying her face in her hands.

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