Chapter number 9

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As Hikaru and Herissmon walk towards the city

Goburimons: halt

The goburimons walk out from behind the trees

Hikaru: oh, hey! Werent you the digimon heriss stung with his spikes?

Goburimon1: yes now taste

Goburimon2: some revenge

Goburimons: evolution!

Goburimon1 becomes hyougamon (goblin1)

Goburimon2 becomes fugamon (goblin2)

Goblin1&2: now lets see how you do against 2 adults

Hikaru: heriss?

Herissmon: on it

Herissmon evolves to filmon

Goblins1&2: what?!? How is this fair???

Hikaru: 2v1, isnt that fair?

Filmon: i think so

Goblins1&2: fine then

The 2 digivces glow black and engulf the 2 in a black light

When the light disapears, there is a titamon, but just a light, not the normal physical form

Hikaru holds his phone to it

Phone: incomplete titamon, level: perfect

Hikaru: filmon!

Filmon: lets go! Super Evolution!

Filmon evolves to stefilmon

Phone: an incomplete titamon is weak in defence but makes up for it with attack equal to the real thing

Hikaru: ok then, take 'em out quickly heriss!

Stefilmon: on it! Vermilion vortex!

Stefilmon shoots a bunch of it's hardened quils at the titamon, knocking it down

Stefilmon: giga crimson dive!

Stefilmon jumps into the air and spins into a drill and drills through the titamon

The titamon turns back into the goburimon, who are now unconsious, and the digivices are broken

Hikaru: ok, now we bring them with us

Stefilmon: right, lets get going

Steflimon picks up the 2 goburimon, and hikaru and stefilmon go back to walking to the city

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