One world two languages

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The golden retriever had a splendid idea.

Legoshi should improve to socialize with others, so why not set him up to such a class? It was a small group of animals that have difficulties to interact with others. Some are blind, cannot move without support and cannot speak out what they want. Legoshi didn't feel well, being stared at the animal in the room, as his dog friend pushed him inside, "Don't worry, they down bite."


"Maybe a few do" laughed Jack, seeing the male wolf rubbing his hand. The golden retriever asked the one who leads this class to pick out someone special. He didn't tell Legoshi who he chooses for him to help out; it was more of a surprise. Since the male wolf isn't very comfortable with herbivores and girls, he decided to do just something extra.

Legoshi couldn't hide his big surprise at the sight.

Before him stood a giant female bunny, almost as tall as Jack, the golden retriever touched her shoulders lightly, introducing her to his friend, "This is N/A. She is a Flemish giant bunny."

The male wolf bowed deeply, greeting her. His brow rose up, as she made gestures with her fingers. Irritated, he stared as Jack, "What was that for?"

The dog smiled, "Oh I forgot, she cannot talk, she communicates by sign language."

So Legoshi's constantly rambling about the way of life won't work on her. Smart move, unless he learns the sign language very quickly, but this wolf is rather lazy on learning.

It got worse; he didn't expect to be alone with this tall rabbit, as his friend wished them all the best. The male wolf noticed how Jack made a few things with his hands, while I replied the same way. Legoshi is overwhelmed.

In drama club, I had to be at his side at all times, staring at him constantly. The male wolf does this too, but being the one to be stared at, was kind of disturbing for him. I watched every move of his hands. Not able to speak was something that got me into many uncomfortable situations. Not many animals liked to be around me, getting tired of waiting for my reply or when I want to ask questions. Some are bored or not interested to learn sign language. Finding friends was never easy.

But now I had a chance.

My eyes took everything in, how he moved, how slender his hands are, how the eyebrows twitched, his nose in my direction and his eyes...looking sad?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I pointed to my chest, looking from side to side, did he mean me?

"Please stop it, it's scary"

My body twitched, I made him angry, I thought. I wanted to make it up to him, getting him the cables he wanted to get later on. With the ladder down, I walked over to the other side of the room, opening the cupboard. Shira, the female leopard panicked, "Don't!" Too late, the door was wide open, burying me underneath clothes, costumes and cables...loads and loads of cables.

The male wolf also jumped, as he couldn't find me nearby. Shira yelled over to him, coming over to the group. When he heard where I was, he yelled out to me. They all looked surprised, as a hand came up from under the pile of clothes, giving a thumb up. Juno, the female wolf helped Legoshi to get me out of there, while asking of why I am there in the first place. The male wolf explained that this was all Jack's plan and he didn't know what to do with me.

The female wolf finds me very pretty, asking for my name.

Legoshi replied for me, "N/A, she can't talk."

I frowned deeply. I can talk! Just not like anyone else but I can! Like a mad man, I screamed out with my hands that I was furious. Only to get two raised brows from the wolves. Annoyed, I stomped off.

Juno felt a little worried, "Does anyone in the club do sign language?"

Legoshi shrugged. She asked the group loudly, but no one can. Bill offered himself as my guardian, taking care of me. The male wolf wouldn't even let him touch me; he hasn't forgiven the tiger for the doping with rabbits blood.

But how can he? Legoshi had to take care of the lights, keep an eye on me and above Bill moving closer. He heard how the male wolf said my name, smiling wide, "So you are N/A."

I smiled too, nodding sweet. "That is a pretty name, for a gorgeous rabbit."

Legoshi had to be careful not to destroy the equipments for the lights. Bill only got closer, "Such long ears and this sweet twitch nose..."

The male wolf had to control himself.

"...are you single?"


Surprised, I turned around, seeing the item in the wolf's hand destroyed. The lighting was no longer usable. The team was very disappointed with Legoshi. Bill on the other hand, stayed by my side, "He never learns. Say, would you like to go you with me?" I made a gesture that I would love to, but the tiger suddenly got a puzzled look, "Eh?"

I repeated the signs.

Still an irritated look.

I was close to tears, as he got all annoyed, telling me to speak up. Obviously, he didn't listen the entire time. Legoshi came over, once the lecture was done, grabbing my hand and lead me out to the canteen. We grabbed out food and left towards the park. Legoshi wanted to spends some time alone with me, while eating our meals in peace. To cheer me up, he even shared his favorite egg sandwiches. The male wolf didn't make a move, as I leaned against him. Legoshi noticed how the tears are still there, getting off the bench. Afraid that he would leave me, I grabbed on to his shirt.

But he didn't, he kneeled before me, rubbing away those tears with a tissue.

To thank him, I made one sign. My flat hand towards my chin and move it in the wolf's direction. Of course he didn't understand staring at me for a while. Before he got up, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. That was my turn to be confused. What was this for? No one ever done this to me, what does it mean??? Legoshi didn't tell me about this, only saying that it was important to let me know that.

Jack's plan worked.

For weeks, Legoshi spends more and more days with me. Even as he had to study to learn the sea language, his shelves were only filled with one insect book...and a bunch of learning sign language. But even for me was this a major change in my life. Ever since I looked up the meaning of what he has done, I decided to study the body language, understanding my new friend better. The golden retriever just knew we are a perfect match:

Two animals speaking two different languages and speaks louder than words.

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