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Chapter one
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"Do you promise to never forget about me, Tomoya?" Tomoyo said to her twin brother, Tomoya, who was just adopted into a rich family.
"I promise I won't forget about you! You're my sister, how could I?" He replied, hugging her.
Tears trickled down both of their faces as they embraced each other for possibly the last time.

A few weeks earlier...
Both twins were playing hide and seek outside, with Tomoya being the seeker. Whilst doing that, he looked over at two adults who were checking all the children out. Only, he was looking at the tree behind them to see if Tomoyo was there, so he walked in front of them to see. The couple took a liking to Tomoya from merely glancing at him. Glasses? It must mean he's intelligent. Male? He will do the family good. Not to mention, he's younger than the other kids they were looking at.
They sparked up a conversation with him and just by those three minutes they were talking to him, they completely fell in love with him.

"We are going to adopt you, little one." The dad said, as Tomoya beamed. He wasn't the most popular one in the orphanage, and often got mistreated by the other boys and the staff alike.
"Ooh! I also have a twin! I think she might be over by that tree over there. Tomoyo! Come out! Someone wants to adopt us!"

The couple looked at the tree, and just as Tomoya expected, she peeped her head out and watched Tomoya gesture over to make her come, but the couple stops her.
"Young Tomoya, child. I'm sorry to say this, but, we don't want Tomoyo coming with us.."
Tomoya's expression soured, as he looked back over to the couple in disbelief. "Whaa? Why not?! She's very nice, and she's smart like how I am!"
"She's a girl though. We believe that men can carry the families name, and keep our business running. We have four girls at home already and we don't have any room for another. You are the one we want, not your sister."

The eleven year old boy was in shock and couldn't find any words.
His eleven year old sister crossed her arms, glaring at the couple. "Hey! No need to be so unfair! You can just adopt both of us and then Tomoya can run the business. Simple as that!"
Of course, the couple wasn't listening to the Female twin, as all of their attention was on the male twin.
"Y-Yeah! Like Tomoyo said! Just adopt both of us and then I could run it? I guess?" Just Tomoyo said, but this time they respond.

"We do not have enough room for another female child. If you both were male, we would've took both of you, but we just want you." Then, the dad got up, still staring down at his potential first son.
"We will be back in two weeks to see if you want to go. You have every right to refuse and stay with your sister if you really don't want to." As sexist as he could be, at least he was considerate.

That left Tomoya with two choices. Stay with his last known living biological family member or get adopted by a rich family with the potential to be the next owner of a business.

Later that night, dinner was being served for the children of the orphanage. Tomoya long lost his appetite to eat though, which was very unusual, and so did Tomoyo and were both sitting on the brown couch in the main living room.
"It's not fair. Why are they being so inconsiderate about us. We're twins after all, we need to stick together!" Tomoya ranted, laying his head down on his older sisters shoulder.
"All because of gender. Those stupid people are adults and still have the mindset of girls being weak? I can't tell if you were the child or if they were. And they had literal wrinkles on their faces!"

"I don't get it. You are a lovely girl, Tomoyo. How could they think you would be useless to them. You use bigger words than I do, and you know to solve long division problems. You're the smartest person I know.." Tomoya was generally upset about this. He was still young and didn't know how cruel the world was.
"....You know Tomoya. As much as I hate to say this, I think you should go with them.." Tomoyo said, ceasing her head pats on Tomoya and was now rubbing his shaggy dark brown hair.
"Whaa? Why?" Tomoya now looks up, gazing in his sister's brown eyes and she stared right back into his brown eyes.

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