001 | 𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗮𝘆

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                                                                                   CHAPTER ONE
                                                                                    MOVING DAY

                                                                                   CHAPTER ONE                                                                                     MOVING DAY

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I was sitting on my bed in my empty room with the door cracked open and a box with some of my clothes and other stuff from my room in their looking down at a picture. It was a picture of my dad and my mom along with little 6 year old me smiling as they were hugging I felt tears form in my eyes looking at the picture thinking about how happy I was. But now I have to leave my dad behind.

It was moving day and I was NOT excited at all for it. We were moving to Santa Carla from New Jersey, because my mom met this guy named Neil after my mom and dad got a divorce and now she's married to him and I have a new stepbrother who's a dick just great. ( Note the sarcasm ) but right now I'm in my old room it looks so different empty. I don't wanna leave my dad behind ever since my mom started dating Neil she's been different she does everything he says and barely pays any attention to me. Don't get me wrong I still love her she is my mom after all but I'm kinda pissed off she's making me leave my dad behind for some guy she met at a pizza place kinda stupid if you ask me.

But anyways my new brother Billy is even WORSE he has anger issues and he can't take it out on his dad or my mom so... he takes them out on me. Don't worry though he doesn't hit me. At least not yet. But that's besides the point. The reason we chose to move to Santa Carla is because Billy and Neil along with Billy's mom I don't know her name but my mom told me she passed away. They used to live their and Neil has some business down their that he can work on for his work.

I broke out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door frame I looked up at the person who knocked and wiped my tears away really quick to see it was my mom standing there. "Can I come in?" She asks sending me a small forced smile. "Sure I said looking away from her out the window. She sighs as I feel a dip in the bed next to me. "You know Sid your gonna have to get used to have Neil and Billy around their our family now." She says putting her hand on my knee. I scoffed and looked at her. "No their YOUR family now." I said emphasizing the 'your' and standing up grabbing my skateboard and walking out the house to the car that's packed with boxes of all our crap.

I pulled my Walkman along with a cassette tape with my favorite song. Running up that hill 𝖡𝗒: 𝖪𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗌𝗁 | I put on the headphones and put the cassette into the Walkman and listened to the song leaning my head on the window. I saw out of the corner of my eye my mom carrying the box I left into my room with some of my clothes and other stuff. I felt a harsh poke on my shoulder and looking to my right to see Billy sitting their holding my comic book I snatched the comic from his hand as he rolls his eyes and looks back at the window I felt Neil get into the car and say a few words before starting the car and setting off to Santa Carla.


We have been driving for forever I must of fallen asleep because I woke up to my mom shaking me awake. "Max honey time to wake up were almost their." She says softly as I stir awake opening my eyes a bit before quickly covering them from the bright sun of California and groaned before sitting up and looking at the sign that said. Santa Carla. As we passed it I turned around to see the back of the sign and it said. Murder capital of the world. I don't think anyone saw it so I just kept quite and even if they did see it they probably thought it was some joke I shrugged it off and continued to look out the window at all the people we passed by.


We stopped in the front of a bright colored house maybe 2 story's it looked decent I immediately got out of the car and ran inside looking for a room that could be mine. I picked decent sized room with light grey walls I ran down to get all my boxes so I can have them in the room so people know it's mine. I went downstairs to see Neil and Billy argue I'mg about something. "I'm not taking her! She probably doesn't even wanna go she's 14 years old I don't need to baby sit her everyday fucking day!" Billy yells at his dad and that's when I knew shit was about to go down because Neil pushed Billy up against the wall. "You're taking her and your gonna watch her so me and Susan can go out on a date do I make myself clear." He says holding Billy by the his shirt collar. Billy nodded I could see the fear in his eyes he tried to hide it but I saw them.

I made a step forward hoping not to be heard but the floor squeaked. Ugh just my luck they turn to look at me. Neil smiled. "Max do you want to go to a concert tonight it's gonna be at the boardwalk Billy will take you." He said smiling at me then looking at Billy. "Isn't that right Billy?" He asks him as Billy nods. "Good." Neil says walking away.


I was almost time to go to the concert and I decided to change my clothes because I didn't think wearing a t-shirt shorts and a flannel was really for a concert. It's like a party you gotta look presentable. So I got dressed into a blue cropped tank top, with light washed Jean shorts and a brown and green flannel.

 I got dressed and went downstairs to see Billy waiting their and my mom and Neil beside him looking dressed up

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I got dressed and went downstairs to see Billy waiting their and my mom and Neil beside him looking dressed up. "Goodbye honey see you in the morning." She says kissing my head and walking out the door. "Bye kiddo." Neil said to me before heading out. "Come on let's go." Billy said grumpily.


We were at the concert and I was kinda getting bored don't get me wrong the music was great just not my favorite so I walked away from Billy. I was walking around when I bumped into someone and fell to the ground. I groaned and looked up to a tall blonde boy with bright blue eyes, and a really weird sense of fashion. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you their I'm kinda new here and I don't know where I'm going." He says looking down at me scratching the back of his neck embarrassed. "It's fine I'm kinda new here too." I say as he held out his hand to help me up. "I'm Sam- Sam Emerson." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Maxine. But everyone calls me Max." I say shaking his hand as he smiles at me. "You wanna check out this comic store I found?" I asked him. As he smiled and nodded his head quickly as I giggle. I had a feeling we were gonna be great friends.

 I had a feeling we were gonna be great friends

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*end of chapter one hope you liked it :))*

*1281 words*

𝗘𝗱𝗴𝗮𝗿 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗴 | 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖫𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖡𝗈𝗒𝗌Where stories live. Discover now