002 | 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗴 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀

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                                                                                    CHAPTER TWO
                                                                           THE FROG BROTHERS

                                                                                    CHAPTER TWO                                                                           THE FROG BROTHERS

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"I'm Sam- Sam Emerson." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Sydney. But everyone calls me Sid." I say shaking his hand as he smiles at me, "you wanna check out this comic store I found?" I asked him. As he smiled and nodded his head quickly as I giggle.

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We were were on our way to the comic store called Frog Comics we entered and then some girls that were messing around bumped in to us. "Hey watch it." I said harshly to the girls rolling my eyes and grabbing sam's arm gently and bringing him over to an isle of the comic book store, standing on my tippy toes I grabbed a comic and started flipping through it as Sam did the same. I could see out of the corner of my eye a boy bring down a binder and look at us we both look up at him weirded out that he's staring. looking back at the comic I saw out of the corner of my left eye another boy starring at us. Stalkers? I thought to my self as I looked at Sam and he put his comic down back on the shelf and took mine and put it back on that high shelf again and whispered to me. "Come on." He said waving his hand for me to follow him also looking weirded out by the boys who were staring at us and we started walking past the first guy holding the binder as the other one was following us from behind. "You gotta problem guys?" Sam asks them as the other guy catches up to us.

"Just scoping your civilian wardrobe." The guy with the red bandanna said to him as I try suppressing my laugh but fail and let out a little giggle. As the guy with the red bandanna smirks at me and Sam gives me a glare which makes me quickly change my face to a blank expression. "Pretty cool huh?" Sam asks bringing the attention off me. "For a fashion victim." The other guy says. "Listen buddy if your looking for the diet frozen yogurt bar it went out of business last summer." The guy with the bandanna said as I stopped boredly to look at comics looking through them boredly.

"Wow, thank you. I couldn't imagine why you have barely any costumers," I said turning around leaning on the shelf full of comics on my hands sending them innocent smiles as they turned to look at me as Sam awkwardly laughed.

"Well actually I'm looking for a Batman number 14." I said shrugging turning back around looking through the comics again. "That's a very serious book man." Bandanna says to me I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as I smirked a bit still looking through the comics. "Only 5 in existence." The other guy says after him. "4 actually I'm always looking for the other 3." I say turning around again looking them both up and down still smirking as they look at each other in disbelief.

As Sam was talking about how they needed to sort their comics right and blah blah blah I continued to look through the comics smiling to myself. I picked up a comic and started reading it and turning around to face the 3 again not looking up at them until I feel someone rip the comic from my hands and I look up and see the guy with the bandanna holding the comic I had. "Give it back." I say crossing my arms. "Why?" He asks me smirking. I sigh and roll my eyes before turning around and grabbing another comic before starting to read that and he takes that one too I start to get really mad when he hands me a comic. "Here read this." He says to me I look down at the comic he put in my hands and saw it was a horror comic. "If you think I'm gonna get scared by this shit your wrong." I say looking up at him boredly. "Just read it." He said to me getting inpatient I rolled my eyes and looked at it the title said. 'Vampires Everwhere' I look up at him confused. "What's this for?" I ask him confused. "It could save your life." He says before a group of guys stole some comics and ran out the boys ran after them shouting for them to come back. I just sighed. "I have to go find my brother." I say. "He's gonna kill me." I mutter the last part before looking at Sam.

"I have to go find my brother too." He says. "Well come on then." I say walking away waving my hand for him to follow.


I found my brother and I was in his car he was yelling at me because he was pissed I ran off. "Someday your gonna run off and your not gonna be able to find me and I'm gonna get blamed for it where the fuck even were you?!" He said getting more angrier by the second. "I was at a comic book store alright." I said looking out the window crossing my arms. "What comic book store?" He asked me calmly but sternly. "Frog comics." I said quietly. "The Frog brothers?! Really Sid! Their phycos Stay away from them." He says getting angry again. "Why?!" I said starting to yell too. (Not because I wanted to see the boys again because I wanted more comics). "Their bad new Sid just stay away?" He says getting really angry. "Why do you even care?!" I yell at him finally looking at him. "Because Sid were a family now whether you like it or not." He says looking at me as I look at the front towards the road my arms still crossed. "Oh what would I ever do without yo-" I started to sarcastically say when he grabbed my wrist forcefully. "You stay away Sid! Stay away!" He said looking me dead in the eye. Not gonna lie I was really scared right now.

I yanked my arm from his grasp trying to hold in my tears as we finished the drive to our house

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I yanked my arm from his grasp trying to hold in my tears as we finished the drive to our house.

Hope you enjoyed also probably gonna be slow updates because I just started school! :))

Hope you enjoyed also probably gonna be slow updates because I just started school!  :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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𝗘𝗱𝗴𝗮𝗿 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗴 | 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖫𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖡𝗈𝗒𝗌Where stories live. Discover now