The Girl in Stockings

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"NICOLE!!!!HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" My mother literally id screaming inside of my ears.

"Can I just drop out instead? I mean I could take music as a full time career" I say half awake, half asleep while turning to face my mother.

I watched kdrama "Alchemy of souls" till 4am. You don't expect me to wake up so early at 7am. FML!

"Well, that could be an option if you actually had the talent for music"
My mean birth-giver won't even encourage me.

"Pull some strings and give me a chance woman, you're extremely famous. Help your kid a little"

Well my Birth-giver answered "Stop being unreasonable and finish high-school at least"

"You didn't go through with high-school though" I murmured but she heard.

Next thing I know I'm on the floor with my birth-giver tickling the life of me.
On the floor we're both laughing when birth-giver says "I love you daughter"

"A bit cringey but uhm, love you to birth-giver, now I shall get ready for school before I get actually lateeee"

Don't Ask me why or I will cry!

30minutes after, I'm done and getting dressed.
Then I saw this beautiful shoes I never wore before:

Then I saw this beautiful shoes I never wore before:

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I never wore them because uhm....I'm not exactly sure why I think I just didn't want to be noticed so much.

I'm going to wear this today, I am BORED lately so, yeah let's take the shot.

So yeah I wear my white starry top and short black skirt.
And then the shoesssss!!
I hope today goes well.
I have a WEIRD FEELING about this.

School is going really well! Yay
Well at least it was going well up until lunch break.

Get this, I am going along the luch line right?
Then this Damned Jessie just had to soil my beautiful white starry top.

Jessie is not a bully though, she's my clumsy best friend.

I don't know why she has to be so clumsy and all but now my half of my food is spilled on my clothes.

"Not again Jessie, now am I supposed to eat off my clothes"

"I love you too" she says looking apologetic.

I love her but I won't tell her!!
(Inner dramatic laughter).


Jessie, I'm off to the bathroom. Wait for me at our table. I'll be back soon." I said walking away.

It's lunch time and almost everyone's in the hall. I feel like I'm the only one in the hallway. LOL!

THE STAIN WON'T BUDGE! I kept repeating in front of the sink.
I'm pissed right now but I'll have to endure till the end if school. FML!

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