The Nightmares

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It's It's cold.
The scary trees from fairytales.

Looking around, for who to help me escape I see a figure. He's backing me.

There's a warm feeling on my hands. I look down, it's's blood.
What's going on?

Confusion running through my mind.
Why is there blood on my hands??

"Why did you do it? You shouldn't have"
Whose voice is this?
Unfamiliar and strange.

I need to leave this place, but how?
I'm stuck, it's like a fairy tale.
It's not feeling like a dream.

I'm scared so I keep running and running but the roads don't end....finally I reach the highway.

Phew at least I'm out of the creepy fairytale part.

A car is coming towards me but I can't move I'm hearing the voices again

"Why did you do it? You shouldn't have!! Bella you don't deserve to be happy"

Who is Bella?
I'm confused and I'm unable to move when the lights from the car are becoming brighter

I can't run

The last thing I remember is the lights from the car.

Immediately I'm awake..."it's just a nightmare" I thought to myself
I don't know what that feeling was, but I hate it.

I never want to experience that.

I barely have nightmares to what is thisss???

I am not going to let this bother me so let's forget that ever happened.

Anyways it's been a three days since I saw Xavier last since that hooky happened.

I still possess the sweatshirt and his name tag hahaha.
He'd definitely have to talk to me when he needs it.

(The name tag isn't important though, I'm just dumb and I need some sort of comfort)

I go to my locker immediately I get to school and a note falls out. It reads:


I think we all know the sender.
I'm definitely not going to see him.

It's three pm....and I'm at the theatre.
My legs betrayed me, I wonder why my body part won't listen to me anymore.

I blame Xavier.
I don't like him, but I feel this weird connection I don't know how to explain.
It's almost like we met before he came to our school or something.

I chose not to be bothered by any of these strange feelings I've been getting recently.

It has been 45minutes and i am still inside the theatre waiting for this blue eyed person.

Will I leave?
No I'm not a fan of not keeping to appointments, clearly the plans been ruined by this guy.

Minutes into my monologue, he comes in looking all dashing and all.

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