Chapter 2 {The King}

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"Is my life in my hands or yours?"



The smile on this angel's face made my heart flutter. "It's okay, Jin~Ae. The king and I aren't really that close. We avoid each other most of the time." How awful that they live together but don't get along. Before I could say anything, we stopped walking. Looking around, I noticed two big doors.

Akius then dropped his arm from mine as he said, "The king is in there." He pointed to the doors. "That is the throne room." I didn't want to go in there, and I didn't want to leave Akius's side.

"Th-thank you for bringing me here and showing me where to go, Your Excellency." I tried to sound normal when I felt I wouldn't see him again.

He grabbed my hand, bending down as he said, "I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you again, Jin~Ae. Until next time." Then he pressed his soft lips to my skin. It was too soon when he walked away from me. I could feel my face getting hot. Why was he making me blush so badly? I waited a few minutes for my face to cool down before heading inside.

I felt I was collected enough to go inside now. Well, here goes nothing. I approached the doors, and the guards asked for my name. I told them, and they opened the doors. As soon as I walked, I saw the king, and he was staring me down with a hateful expression. Great! Just what I needed—a pissed-off king. He was sitting on his throne, with his arm holding his head up as if he was annoyed by everyone standing in front of him.

He was dressed in black pants with black and gold robes. His hair was blonde, half of it in a ponytail, and the rest was down. His face only gave a hard demeanor, so I couldn't tell if he liked me or wanted me to leave his sight. He stood up after what felt like forever. He walked down the stairs to me. I bowed out of respect for him.

"Stand up so I can see you." He said with a half-cocky, seductive smile. He walked around me. "Well, you are a true beauty, aren't you? My name is King Hector, and you are?" He touched my face while speaking. He took me by surprise when he did this.

Trying to hide the fact I was blushing, I said, "Thank you, your majesty. My name is Jin~Ae." He went from smiling to licking his lower lip. The king was very handsome. Anyone would be lucky to marry him. Though, I was still thinking about Akius instead of the king. His perfect boxy smile. His beautiful eyes. The way my heart skipped when he spoke to me.

"You will do finely as my wife. The prettiest girl I have seen by far." I bowed again.

"Yes, Your Majesty." My father will be so happy to hear the news when I tell him. I hope he will be proud of me when I see him again. "I hope I make you and my family happy, Your Majesty." He looked at me, confused.

"I am sure your family will be happy to hear you are marrying me." I stayed blank in the face so he couldn't see the sadness in my expression.

"I can't wait to tell them tonight. I am sure they all will be pleased to hear the news, Your Majesty." He started laughing; the way he did it gave me goosebumps.

"Tonight? Jin~Ae, now that you are to marry me, you aren't allowed to leave the palace without me now." What the hell? Is he serious?

"Are you saying I can't see my family again?"

"No, you can see them only when I go with you. However, it's very rare for me to leave unless it's absolutely necessary to leave the palace." I was dumbfounded that I couldn't leave this place now he said this.

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