Chapter 9 {The King, Alexander, Or Akius}

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"I must find you. No matter what I have to do."

~The King

(The Next Morning)


The festival Tomus had prepared was an absolute mess. Everyone loved that we had a party, but the party was supposed to be for Jin~Ae. The guards who weren't on duty were searching the forest and the palace. If the servants asked, Jin~Ae was sick, and no one could see her. The only people I wanted to know she was still missing were the guards, Tomus, Akius, and myself.

I attended the festival to avoid suspicion about Jin~Ae. All my people had a good time as I sat on my chair by the window under the chandelier. Everyone wanted to see Jin~Ae all night. Lying to everyone was easy for me. However, every time I would say she wasn't feeling good, and no one was allowed to see her hurt me. The only thing that worried me about last night was when I got up from my chair to talk with my guards, and the chandelier had fallen on the chair where I was sitting.

Akius spent the entire night searching for Jin~Ae. He still hasn't returned. I could only think about the fear of her being hurt or injured. The guards surrounded my room just in case someone did try to kill me. After the attack on me, I ensured no one could leave the palace. Getting up from a sleepless night, I got ready to face everyone. I was praying that Akius had come back with good news. The guard announced Tomus as he entered right behind him. I waved the guard to leave.

"Yes, Tomus?" I said as I buttoned up my shirt.

"Akius is back." Once he said this, I was out the door looking for him. We both found him sitting in my study.

"Akius, What happened?" He was exhausted. He lifted his head to see who came in.

"Your Majesty," he bowed to me. "I have been unsuccessful in finding her in the forest. I returned to get another horse to go to her family house and check there." He fell over onto me.

"You need to rest before you go anywhere else. Tomus and I will check her family house along with the village." Akius tried to argue with me.

"No. You need to stay here where it's safe." Tomus helped me carry him to his room.

"Akius, I will watch after him. Don't worry." I rolled my eyes at them because they thought I was helpless. We placed him on his bed.

"Tomus, tell the stable boys to ready horses and tell ten guards to get ready to ride." He ran faster than I knew he could. "Akius, I want you to rest. I will be back by the end of the day." His eyes were closed already as I tucked him in. I walked out of his room, calling two guards to me. "No one is to enter this room unless it is to give him food or water." They bowed. I went to the throne room to let the head of my council know I was leaving the palace for a short time.

He was drinking wine and eating bread while reading his letters. When I walked up to him, he bowed to me. "Your majesty. What can I do for you?"

While putting my gloves on and coat, I said, "I am leaving the palace for a while. I am going haunting. It's perfect weather for it." He stared outside, seeing the heavy rain. "I need you to act in charge until I get back. You know what I expect, and Akius will be here also." He nodded.

"Stay safe, Your Majesty. We will be waiting for your return." The guards that would go with me and Tomus were following me. We reached the stables, where they were done getting the horses ready.

"You all know Jin~Ae is still missing." They nod at me. "Eight of you will go to the village and check there. The other two will come with Tomus and myself to check at her family home." They got on their horses. "Meet back here when you find anything out." We all rode out of the stables toward the main gate. I took point to her family's house.

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