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The wind blew in his face as he stepped into the boarding bridge, in just half an hour Karl was going to see his long term friend, his crush. Sapnap and Tina ran off ahead, Karl tried to keep up with them but they were just too exited to see what this trip awaited. Little did they all know there was a huge journey ahead. 

Karl texted George: 

Karl: Hey man we're on our way! Just headed to get our stuff  😁

George: Omg literally hurry up I've been here for ages 😒

Karl: It's not my fault the plane was delayed  🙄

George:  whatever 🥱

Karl wheeled his suitcase along the floor, desperate to see George in person. He always looked so perfect on stream, his eyes a deep brown, his lips a soft pink that reflected on his cheeks. The problem was, everyone always shipped George with Dream. Not George with Karl, Karl with Sapnap, Sapnap. 

He was cute and all but not really Karls type, they flirted a lot back in 2021 but now it was a new year, and now it was the time for a new ship. As Karl nervously walked through the corridor to arrivals, he spotted him in the corner of his eye. Damn, that man was gorgeous. He looked even cuter in his grey winter coat with his cheeks and nose tinted pink. It was winter in England and as Karl looked George up and down, he noticed a  spot of melting snow on his Jean leg. Karl walked closer to George, looked out the window, bursted out laughing and then looked back at sapnap. "Oh shit" Sapnap cursed, he realised that he probably should of brought a coat or even a pair of jeans, but he had only T-shirts and shorts. "Sapnap I think you might be a bit cold in that" said George while he gave Tina a hug. "Wow George I would of never thought that, your so smart how did you think of that?" Asked Sapnap sarcastically. "Idk it just came to me?" George smirked and started walking to his car. 

"Soo there might be a slight problem... there isn't enough space in the trunk for all 3 suitcases. Someone's going to have to have one on their lap.." George said, biting his bottom lip. "I have an idea! Sapnap you could sit in the back seat with the suitcase on top of you, it'll keep you warm!" Suggested Karl. "U-um s-s-sure that s-sounds g-great" said Sapnap, shivering in the cold English weather. Tina and Sapnap got in the back whilst George drove and Karl sat in the passenger seat. "Omg not stupid heatwaves I hate this song, can you change it" Sapnap spoke but George turned it up; "What, I-i cant hear you Sap you'll have to speak louder" George turned the volume up even more. "YOU ONLY LIKE THIS SONG BECAUSE YOU LOVE DREAM" Sapnap shouted, Karl's fist tightened, "NO I DO NOT" George screamed back trying the focus on the road. Karl's fist loosened and Sapnap shrieked: "TURN THE DAMN SONG OFF" "I CAN HEAR YOU" George shouted. Tina started laughing and Karl slammed his palm on the dash board, barley breathing from the laughter. 

Sapnap pushed the suitcase onto Tina and unbuckled his seatbelt to turn the song off. "Wow Sap, way to ruin the mood. Way to ruin the mood." George rolled his eyes as Karl was stifling his laughter. "What do you mean way to ruin the mood George?! My eardrums were literally about to explode!" The car went into a comfortable silence until George spoke; "Hey guys speaking of ways to ruin the mood...two of us gotta share a bed." Karl blushed and quickly glanced at George, the thought of sharing a bed with him made Karls stomach churn. 

Then, Sapnaps ear started bleeding. 

End of this chapter! 

I'm planning on updating this everyday, so stick around! Also if you've seen the stream where they talk about Sapnaps ear infection, that's how I plan on it happening (:

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