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sunghoon slowly walked into the dimly lit room, his heart clenching at the sight of sunoo on the hospital bed.

his hair was a bit tousled. his skin was pale and his lips held a bluish tint to them. he looked almost lifeless as he laid there with a breathing tube in his mouth and two iv's flowing into his arm.

sunghoon silently sat down in the chair beside his bed and sighed quietly. the guilt he felt was immense. he hated himself for letting this happen. but he couldn't say no when sunoo practically begged him to take him ice skating.

"im sorry," sunghoon whispered.

he brought his hands to his face as tears stung in his eyes and he choked back a sob. he should've known better. he should've taken him to a rink. this all could've been avoided had sunghoon just been smarter and thought about the consequences.

"y-you just wanted to go ice skating and I failed to protect you. the one thing a boyfriend is supposed to do is protect their partner and I failed you..." sunghoon said quietly, the only response being the sound of sunoo's heartbeat on the monitor across the bed.

"you have to be okay..." sunghoon gently reached a hand forward and wrapped it around sunoo's, trying his best to ignore how cold his hands were.

"you have to wake up. we still have so much to experience together...I want to take you to prom. and attend college together..." tears rolled down sunghoon's cheeks as he sniffled and he gently squeezed sunoo's hands.

"i want to kiss you underneath the mistletoe at christmas and share champagne with you on new years eve. I want to adopt a kitten together because even though I'm slightly allergic it'll make you happy....

I want to teach you how to drive a stick shift car because you've always wanted to learn and I know how. I want to love you for as long as I can because you deserve to be loved.

I want to be with you for life sunoo..."

sunghoon sniffled again and brought his free hand up to wipe his nose as he let his tears pour. he wasn't someone who cried often, especially not in front of sunoo but he couldn't hold them back as he feared losing the love of his life.

the boy he fell in love with after a dumb game of spin the bottle during jungwon's birthday party.

the boy he taught to play guitar and who wrote him a love song and sang it to him in his hospital room after he broke his ankle playing basketball with heeseung and jake.

the boy who gave him confidence. who assured sunghoon that he was enough and who said he loved him first even though they'd only been dating for three weeks.

"I will spend every day in here with you until you wake up. I promise you sunoo, I'm not going anywhere," sunghoon whispered before he pressed a gentle kiss to sunoo's hand and then stood up, walking out of the room.

"sunghoon, are you okay?" yeonjun asks.

sunghoon looked up at the taller male and shook his head. he wasn't okay. not at all.

yeonjun wrapped his arms around sunghoon and hugged him tightly.

"he'll wake up. he has to..." yeonjun whispered.

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