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~Dans POV~
It was finally the day me and Phil went to adopt someone. For once I got out of bed early,even earlier than Phil! I had been looking forward to this day for so long, it was me who first brought the idea of adopting some kid

~magical flashback brought to you by black butler~

I was sat in my browsing position across from Phil. I was incredibly bored and a thought of having someone younger than me to play with wandered into my head. I asked Phil and he said it would be quite fun and next thing you know we were on the Internet looking at the nearest orphanage to our flat in London.

~end of flashback~

I got ready wearing my usual depressing black clothes as I entered the hallway Phil was already waiting. He took one glance at me and said "Dan we are ment to be adopting a child what will they think of you?" I groaned and turned around to go get changed into something more happy. We walked out the building and hired a taxi
"where you going?" asked the taxi driver
"Miss Tatherdith's orphanage for girls please," replied Phil politely smiling. The journey was silent, we got there payed the driver and approched the looming gates. As we opened the black,steel gates they made a loud creaking noise. Shivers traveled up my spine "how do girls live here?" I asked to nobody inpitcular. We walked up to the front desk and greeted the frail looking woman sat there.

~Ellas POV~
I walked down the stair case and into the hall. I was dressed in a green day t-shirt and black jeans along with red slip-ons. I joined the que of girls waiting to be introduced to the people looking to adopt

~Phils POV~
I sat down next to Dan in a room that felt more like a prison cell than a room there were no windows and only one door. Miss Tatherdith rang the bell calling all the children down to come and see us. We asked for about 10 up to 15 year olds and soon girls started to enter the room. We went through the first twenty or so swiftly before there were two girls left. The first girl walked,more like strutted,in. She had silky brown hair tied up in a high pony tail fixed their by a sparkling pink bow. She was wearing a black mini skirt and a belly showing,pink t-shirt
"um..hello I'm Dan and this is Phil," said Dan from beside me. I heard a small squeak come from out side partially open door.
"hi I'm Alice, if you don't mind me asking where is the mum?" she asked. Dan rubbed the back of his neck
"uhhh....there is no mum just us two," he said sheepishly. She stood up and walked out the room "I cannot have two men living with me!" she screeched. We sat their for a moment then called the last girl in. She quickly walked in her head looking at her feet she had black jeans on along with red flats and a green day t-shirt on "hi were," I started but the girl interrupted me "Hello Dan and Phil my names Ellie!" she exclaimed then slaped a hand around her mouth
"ha I see your a fan?" asked Dan. She nodded we carried on asking questions about her and both me and Dan felt a connection to Ellie then I asked the final question "if you were to date a Disney Princess who would it be?" I asked getting strange looks from both Dan and Ellie before Ellie answered "I would date Belle because she saw the beauty inside of the beast," I smiled at her choice. She got up and went, I turned to Dan "I think it's her," we both said in union making us burst out laughing.

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