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"Absolutely not." Vinny's eyebrows furrowed. His face was red and his cheeks puffed. His fingers tapped the table in a rhythm like pattern. Across from him my dad sat with a void face.

Vinny's blue eyes were wild with rage. They had gone from the light ocean blue to this dark topaz color. I watched as the vein in his forehead throbbed. That always scared me. I felt like his head would explode every time I saw the vein.

"This is not a discussion." My dad said blankly. His voice held authority and that was a sign for my brother to not challenge my fathers command. But we all knew Vinny never listened.

"We all have a say so in this." My dads eyes turned into a slit. It was true but I knew he would fine some way to turn this around like usual. If anything, my dad hates being proven wrong and challenged. Vinny was the son to do everything my dad hates.

"I agree." Gideon had spoken. My dads face had changed for a minute before going back to his established blank face. For Gideon to speak up and throw his opinion in on this decision is a rare happening. Gideon was the sibling who always kept his mouth shut and thoughts to himself. Once in awhile he would just let a phrase slip out then go back to being mute.


The attention on the table had turned to me. My dads glare was strong as he starred at me. The family knew my loyalty to him and I had never dared to question my father and his decisions. I agreed on everything he said always, even if I felt opposite towards it.

My brothers, well Vinny to be exact, always bumped heads with dad. Every conclusion decided by my father was always idiotic to him. If my dad said coffee is best, Vinny would say Tea is better.

"Of course Lynix would agree with me. She has much more sense than you two." My dad growled. I hadn't answered nor did I want to.

My decision was against my fathers.

"Lynix is sixteen years old. The heiress to this hotel needs to stop being a follower and make her own decisions." Vinny growled.

I always hated how brutally honest Vinny is. I also envied it. He could explode like a firecracker and let every thought roll off his tongue so easily. I sat here unable to even disagree with my father because I was to much of a coward. I did not want to disappoint him then he would treat me just as he treats Vinny.

"Lynix and I think alike. I know my daughter would already agree to my decision." My dad smiled and patted my shoulder.

"That's because she's stupid just like you." Vinny growled. It was obvious Vinny and I weren't the best siblings in the world but it was never spoken of until
now. I knew he disliked me for the fact that father favored me over him. And that's not something to brag about, but Vinny should learn to maybe control his mouth sometimes instead of always trying to attack dad.

Then again, this is coming from the girl who can't even make a decision on her own.

Gideon had shook his head and put his head down. These social gatherings aren't something he's fond of and I know he's probably wishing he was in his room studying. I didn't expect Gideon to defend me because well Gideon never really did care to say anything. Vinny could call my father an asshole right now and all he would do is just stare.

I fought hard to hold the tears back. Crying in front of everybody is just a waste of time. Nobody would comfort me nor feel sorry for me. Gideon would ignore me, dad would criticize me, and Vinny would just call me another rude name.

"Decision is final."

"Not until Lynix speaks." Gideon spoke.

I watched as Vinny starred me down. I knew that he knew what my answer was. His eyes dared me to speak out against my father for the first time.

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