Prologue: Talking to Strangers.

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A/N: It feels weird writing this, but I can't get the idea out of my head so I hope you all like it. Comment so I know what you think.



She stood on the sidewalk, under the small awning that jutted out from the door of the building that housed her hotel. She looked up at the ominous grey clouds that filled the sky high above the skyscrapers and city streets, and suppressed and eye roll. She sincerely hoped it did not rain.

"I sincerely hope it doesn't rain."

She mumbled under her breath. She was startled to hear a voice respond to her.

"Really? I love this kind of weather, it reminds me of home."

She looked over at the man, intrigued by the sound of his voice, which could be described in a word: smooth. He had an English accent, he wore a black suit with a white shirt underneath, his hair was dark blonde and he was impossibly tall and thin. She smiled at him, for he wore a grin that was nothing short of contagious.

"New York is a long way from London, what brings you here?"

"Wow, is it that obvious that I'm a tourist?"

"No of course not, but you said the weather reminds you of home, and I'm pretty good at reading accents, if that makes sense. Yours is very English, very London."

"Well, I suppose you have a gift; you're spot on."

She smiled again, and then leaned forward to crane her neck and look down the street to see if the silver SUV with UNICEF on the side was on its way. Tom tried not to stare at her, he had learned quickly that New York City was home to some of the most gorgeous women to ever walk the face of the earth, and Jacks was certainly no exception. She was petite and curvaceous, that was quite obvious despite the fact that she wore a simple t-shirt with a black cardigan over it and skinny jeans. Her black hair was unruly and beautiful, it fell in all directions all over her head and down her back and although it was wild it looked beautiful. She had a bright smile and even brighter eyes, and he blushed a little at noticing this in the incredibly short amount of time they had been standing next to each other.

"So you don't like the rain?"

"Well, my job gets a little harder on days like these. The kids get restless when they can't play outside."

"Oh, are you a teacher?"

"No. I work for UNICEF US, I'm a project coordination assistant. Right now I'm working at a group home in the Bronx for children whose parents are unable to provide a home for them."

"Wow." He said looking impressed. She noticed for the first time that he had a kind face; somewhat cherubic, a little childlike, more than handsome, but above all kind. Kindness was a weakness of hers. She believed in it as well as selflessness, generosity and having an open mind, she tried hard to live that way. She decided to dedicate her life to nonprofit, humanitarian work, and although she was hardly a saint she had a genuine heart in an often ruthless world. To see that same kind of spirit in someone else, or to even just perceive it brightened her day considerably. "Well now I want the sun to come out and shine all over the place for you and the kids."

She laughed a little, he smiled at her. She realized how tall he really was, and how handsome, and how impeccably well his suit fit. He was fair skinned and his eyes were a brilliant blue. She liked him; there were countless handsome men in the city but not many who gave off the impression that they had no idea just how handsome they were. He looked excited to be there, to be on the street, to be talking to a complete stranger on a grey and chilly day in the city. She smiled as she spoke.

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