𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞, feelings

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' You're the lass I want. '


Charlotte Williams sits in the now refurbished bidding room behind John Shelby's desk, while he stands up at the front, directing the working men. John looks over at her, smiling happily and she returns it, rolling her eyes jokingly at his giddiness.

Thomas had done many things to get the Peaky Blinder's money back. He left Charlotte out of it when he went to talk to the Lees Boys family, knowing she would probably blow up on them. And it was a shock to a lot of people when they entered the bidding room, to see everything replaced and as good as new.

Just outside the Shelby House, Thomas Shelby walks up to Billy Kimber's large car, knocking on the window before pulling open the door, allowing the two men inside to climb out.

"Mr Kimber," He nods, refraining from showing his anger, "Mr Roberts. Come and have a look around," He begins to head towards the home, flicking his head over his shoulder at the last moment, "But if you utter a word to Charlotte, don't be surprised if you get attacked. The men inside adore that woman, maybe even more than me."

Billy Kimber rolls his jaw, nodding slowly as Thomas opens the front door, letting him enter first.

Charlotte is now walking around the room, and her hand clamps down on Fred's shoulder, but before she can say a single word to him, her head snaps up to watch Thomas Shelby, Billy Kimber and his accountant work through the door.

Thomas catches her gaze, giving her a sharp look and she clenches her jaw, slowly returning to what she was previously doing while trying act like Billy Kimber isn't in the same room as her again.

"Fred, stop talking so much, otherwise you're jaws gonna snap off," She smiles, patting his shoulder, before pointing at the several men around the table, "Get back to work."

Charlotte Williams very rarely did anything to do with the betting. It wasn't her type of scene, and the only reason she agreed to help out today was because Harry had excused her from barmaiding for a few days because of the drunk Dave incident.

"We heard the Lees had turned you over," Billy says.

Thomas smirks, "You shouldn't listen to gossip, Mr Kimber." He walks past the man, walking towards a side room, "This way."

"Business is good," Kimber's accountant speaks up, "Especially since now you know which horse is going to win before you set the odds."

𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐄, thomas shelbyWhere stories live. Discover now