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I thought the song above fit this story.

Ben's POV
I dodged to the right just as a Joshua fired a clip of bullets at me, I gasped as a bullet nailed me in the thigh. I rolled to where Erica was kneeling and reloading her gun behind a wooden box. She cast a sideways glance towards me and I thought I saw a flash of worry display on her face, but it was gone before I could make sure. "Joshua's getting away!" I screamed over the sounds of gunfire. "Keep your pants on Ben, backup's on the way" she replied coldly. "Fine" I muttered, I slowly got up not wanting to give away our position. Then I bolted into the trees where I last saw Joshua. I guess I wasn't thinking clearly because I ended running straight into him. I crashed to the ground holding my wounded leg as he slowly turned around aiming his gun at my chest.

Erica's POV
I was reloading my gun when I heard Ben gasp in pain I looked over fearing the worst, but thankfully it only hit his leg. "Joshua's getting away!" He screamed. "Backup's on the way" I replied coolly. I thought I heard him mutter something but didn't think any of it.
What he did next shocked me, he bolted out of our hiding spot and into the forest. Without a second thought I charged in after him. I came to an abrupt stop when I saw Joshua aiming a gun a Ben's chest.
This was absolute torture to see because I couldn't do anything to help Ben. Joshua looked me straight in the eye and fired. Suddenly adrenaline rushed through my veins, I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. I pulled out a gun of my own and shot him 3 times, once in the head, another in his chest, and one where the sun don't shine. I then rushed to Ben's side to check for a pulse. To my relief I felt a slight pulse, but it was weak.
I turned on my radio to tell Grandpa to capture the agents in the warehouse and have a ambulance come. When I ended the call, I went to Ben's side and choked out the words I've tried and failed to tell him. "I love you, please don't go" I choked. "I need you, and I am finally ready for a relationship."

A cliffhanger mwahahahaha............

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