Chapter 1: Punishment

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Kim Y/N POV:

"I can't believe you got tattoos," My dad, Kim NamJoon, said while adjusting his tie. I just shrugged and kept walking alongside him through the halls of Hybe Headquarters. He was upset because my tattoos prevented me from becoming an idol, but he still had other ways to punish me for being such a troublemaker.

Today is my first day as a junior producer, another way Dad can punish me while keeping an eye on me.

As we're headed to a meeting with a few senior producers here at Hybe, everyone bowed at us as we walked by and we bowed back.

We reached the conference room and I was surprised as we entered the room. Pdogg, Park Jinsu, and 250 were sitting down and right in front of me!

"Oh shoot!" I thought to myself. I was so excited but I didn't show it to maintain professionalism. "They will be your mentors while you work here. Yoongi will be checking your work once in a while as well," Dad said. I bowed to them and stated, "Hi Sunbaenim, I'm Kim Y/N and I look forward to working with you." They all waved at me and I smiled in response.

Dad nodded his head and suddenly said... "Well, I'll leave you to it". He exited the room and I turned to my seniors, waiting for instructions.

"Let's show you your workstation," said Pdogg and began to lead the way. While we were walking through the halls I noticed all the different dance rooms and conference rooms trying to remember the layout of the building. "Here we are," Park Jinsu said as he opened the room to my own personal studio.

I was in Awh from how spacious it was and all the expensive professional equipment.

"Maybe this won't be so bad," I thought to myself while they watched me look around

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"Maybe this won't be so bad," I thought to myself while they watched me look around.

"I know it looks plain right now, but you can make it your own as time goes by. For now, show us what you got kid!" 250 said. I pulled out my laptop and plugged it into the speakers, shuffling through my files trying to think of what I could show these 3 awesome producers.

"Okay, here we go," I said nervously. I pressed the play button to one of my most recent works and looked up at the ceiling trying to vibe to the beat.

*Original beat by THAIBEATS, an awesome underground producer*

Occasionally I would glance over to my seniors to see if they were vibing to the beat. They sat still, no head nodding, no foot tapping, no nothing. I started to get really nervous and continued to stare at the ceiling.

As the track ended 250 clapped his hands once really low and said... "Sajangnim was right, you're really good!"

I was startled by his actions but smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"There's definitely potential," Pdogg-nin exclaimed, and Park Jinsu nodded in agreement.




Junior Producer | Haerin x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now