Chapter 3: Birth (1)

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"Are you okay?"


I slowly bent down from the urge to sit. The man helped me sit. I set my hands on my belly, anxiously. He looked at me with surprise and touched my belly with gentle motions.

"The baby. I think it's coming!"

Contractions started. I panicked not knowing what to do. The man seemed to panick too.

"A-Are you in labor?"

"I think so. Oh gosh, ow!"

I breathed trying to bear the contractions. It hurt bad. I felt like knives were slicing in me. I then felt a burning sensation coming from below. I looked down at my pants seeing blood.

"Oh gosh. The baby is coming now!"

"Okay, calm down and breathe."

The man made me lean on the rocks. He unbuttoned my pants hastily. I moaned loudly, not able to keep it inside anymore.

"OW! I can't do this!"

"Yes you can."

He finished unbuttoning my pants. The man pulled what I was wearing below, down to expose my legs. I moaned and pushed from having the urge to. The burning sensation was stronger than ever.

"Is the baby there?!"

"No, I can't see the baby yet. Wait don't push."

The man helped me sit lower. He then pushed my legs further apart to take a closer look. I pushed feeling my opening get wider as I did. I stopped from feeling the burn get stronger. When I stopped, I felt the baby slide in.

"No! Get out of me!"

"Cmon you can do this."

I pushed again.

"Yes that's it. The baby is coming. Push!"


I pushed, feeling my body stretch. I couldn't do it, it hurt too much to handle. I felt a gush of fluids pour out of me, pushing the baby out more. It was all going too quickly. The man saw me struggle.

"Hey, look at me."

He talked to me with a soothing, gentle voice. I looked at him with barely any energy.

"You can do this. You have been carrying this baby for 9 months. You waited for that long to have this baby in your arms. If you give me a few more pushes, you will have your baby in your arms very soon."

He looked at me intently. I seemed to get more energy after hearing that. I nodded making him look back to how far I was.

"Okay push."

I pushed while gritting my teeth. I bore down until I felt a pop.

"The baby's head is out! Just breathe."

I breathed as he told me to. I moaned from stronger burning. I needed to get this baby out. I pushed.

"No you can't push now!"

I tried to stop but my body didn't listen.

"Stop, stop!"

I managed to stop.

"The cord's stuck."

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