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It had been a while since your family had decided to move for once. They'd usually hop from town to town just to get away from a situation they were in. But this time they'd promise they'd be staying at this new town, since your cousin would be there.

You never really liked this cousin though, he had always been mean to people who were different and had never listened to you since the two of you were younger. Your cousin was Jason, and he did not like quiet kids in the slightest.

You got the third reminder of the day that you were starting school tomorrow, and that it was crucial to at least attempt unpacking your things.

You had done so, and then decided to sleep to get a full night's rest to be energized for tomorrow. You were joining this school near the ending of the year, so you already knew nobody would want to talk to you. You had never had the bravery to go up to anyone and start a conversation, so you had to wait for them to talk to you.

The next morning, your mother had woken you up with an annoying yell, since you hadnt woken up through the alarm. You hurried to get ready. You were wearing whatever you had chosen and got into your moms car. You were extremely nervous, and it showed, but you wouldn't tell.

Once you had gotten to the school, you kissed your mother's cheek goodbye, gave her a hug, and merged into the crowd of kids waiting outside to be let in. You didnt dare look at anyone but the ground as you found a comfortable area to stand, away from people.

Jason came up behind you and scared you in the fakest hug youd ever feel in your life. "There you are, dude! I've been lookin' for you." He said with fake cheerfulness. "Don't worry about finding classes, I'll show you around." He continued to speak. You knew damn well he wouldn't show you shit, but you nodded in agreement anyway.

It was now the 3rd period. You were right in assuming Jason wouldn't show you around, you had to ask teachers for help. You only wanted a little guidance though your first day, but none was truly given. Not until a long, brown haired boy bumped into you as he was running backwards in the hall. You fell back, seeing as you hadnt noticed him, since your head was in your phone.

"Oh, shit! My bad." The boy said, helping you up. "I'm sorry, maybe I should watch where I'm going-" he giggled at his own words. "i-its okay." You responded quickly and nervously. You examined the boys features. Brown, curly long hair, beautiful chocolate brown eyes that you found yourself staring into, strong figure, tons of rings, and a gentle smile.

"Heloo? You here?" The boy snapped you out of your trance. "Oh! I'm sorry-" you responded, the blush spreading across your face as you look up at him. "That's alright. Are you new here? You look very lost."

"I am new. And I am lost." You joked, feeling a sense of relief when you heard a slight chuckle. "I'll be happy to show you arou-" the boy began, but was rudely cut off by an eerily familiar voice. "Hey! Back off, freak. They don't need to be surrounded by people like you." He spoke. "And you're any better?" The boy snapped back at him. "You'll regret ever standing bear them." Jason spoke up, trying to seem bigger than the boy, but he wasn't.

Jason took your arm and pulled away from the beautiful man you had just met. "What's your problem? You can't talk to Eddie the freak Munson! He's creepy, and he works with the devil." Jason said, somewhat quietly to you. "The devil..?" You said, looking at him in disbelief. "Yes! Now get your ass to class and DON'T. TALK. TO HIM." Jason demanded, and then he left, not knowing nor caring that you were lost. You could only think of Eddie the entire way there, the entire class, and the entire way to your other classes.

Lunch had come up, and you didn't need to ask for directions, you just followed the crowd of people around your age. Once you had gotten to the cafeteria, a wave of anxiety flew over your body as you tried to find a completely empty table to sit at. In which, you had zero luck at all. You looked around the lunch room some more, and saw Jason, and then saw Eddie. You were torn between who to build up courage to ask to sit with, and eventually decided you had no courage at all and sat on the floor, furthest from everyone.

But Eddie had his eyes on you, and knew damn well where you were. He hopped out of his seat and made his way to you, kneeling down to look at you. "Hey, kid. Whatcha doin?" He asked in a silly, chilled tone. "Drawing. You?" You asked, looking up at him, already knowing who it was. "I'm talking to you." He responded, sitting next to you and taking your sketchbook to look at your things. You had nothing to hide, but you still felt nervous for what he may find or how he'd think of them.

"You drew these? This a amazing!" He said to you. You couldn't help but smile and look away from him, as he gave you your sketchbook. "Imma start calling you Doodle if you don't gimme your name." He said, smiling at you. ".. I think I like Doodle. You don't need my name" you joked with him, and listened to his sweet voice. "Doodle it is then." He rubbed your head, ruffling your hair, and when he went to pull away some strands connected the two of you by his rings.

You giggled when he gently unlocked them. "Sorry- forgot I had these on." He slightly laughed in his speech. "That's alright" you couldn't help but keep a smile on your face the entire conversation. He had some effect on you, and you had no clue how or why. You had only just met him a few hours ago. "Well, how about you let me actually show you around for the last two classes. Since we both know Jason Funkiller isn't gonna do shit." He giggled, along with you. "I'd like that. Thank you." You nervously replied. When you were around him, you either felt more nervous and anxious, or you felt none of the above. Only happiness and freedom.

You knew you loved Eddie then, but you would never tell anyone. Not a single soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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