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I'm so glad to have Will. He's a good man and the team already knows about him. It feels so great not to keep any more secrets.

That is until she walks in...and not alone.

"Hey Pen, who's that woman with Emily?" I turn and ask. Penelope pulls her attention away from the men on the dance floor to the front door where Emily is walking in with a woman on her arm.

"Hmm I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen her before." She pauses to tilt her head, before saying "You know Jayje she kinda looks like you."

"Of course she does." I grumble under my breath before putting my media liaison face on. You can do this. You have Will. Plus they're probably not even together. Emily was just as concerned about being out as you were.

After scanning the room for a couple seconds, she finds us and my eyes meet hers. God those eyes. She makes her way gracefully through the crowd, taking extra care not to lose her guest.

When she arrives at our booth, Emily introduces us to the mystery woman she came in with. I don't even catch her name because I get lost when she says "and this is my friend JJ". I correct her " can call me Jennifer" and I shake the woman's hand.

"It's so nice to meet you!" Penelope squeals. I know that it shouldn't bug me but it does. "Friend"? I mean sure that is what we are and as far as anyone else is concerned that's all we've ever been but when it's to what's her name then it sounds like an insult.

You have Will I remind myself.

"Excuse me, I think I should go call my boyfriend. We haven't talked much today and I want to catch him before he heads to bed." I announce my escape. I just need a moment away from Emily and my obvious replacement.

I walk outside and dial Will's number but I don't hit call. I just need a minute. I don't want to talk to him right now.

I collect myself and put on a smile before turning around and walking back into the bar.

I make it inside and look at the booth where I left my friends but I just see Pen and Spence. Where's Emily? I scan the dance floor as I head towards the booth. That's when I see her and I know she sees me. She must see me. It's like she's staring into my soul and then she leans down to kiss her neck.

Screw this! I need a drink!

I take a detour to the bar on my way back to Penelope and Spencer and order three shots of tequila. Pen must have seen my shift in route and she meets me there while I am waiting.

"Oh Jayje, you know Boy Genius over there won't take any shots" she jokes while looks back at Spence.

"Sorry Pen, honestly I didn't even think to order you guys more drinks. These are for me."

"All of them?" She furrows her brow in a mixture of confusion and concern, then has a moment of realization. "Aww sugarplum you really miss Will, don't you?"

I keep myself from scoffing and my tone honest when I say "Yeah, I really do" but I can't help but look back at Emily and her new blonde while I do. I catch her glare again and watch her smirk as she knows I'm watching. I turn my attention back to my shots. I take the three and soak in the burn I feel as they go down my esophagus.

Penelope still looks concerned but knows better than to try to get me to talk about it so she not so subtly ushers me away from the bar, saving me from additional shots.

The alcohol hits hard and fast and before I know it I'm up and dancing. I feel numb. I can just feel myself moving but I'm not really thinking about anything.

But then the song changes. I don't notice it at first but then it clicks. This is the song that was playing the first night Emily kissed me. I know she realizes it too because for the first time in I don't know how long I find those eyes again.

Her demeanor has changed since the last time I saw her though. Before, she was cocky and showing off but for a moment now I saw a flash of sadness or regret. She shakes it off though and leans in to kiss her date.

No amount of alcohol could have prepared me for how that made me feel but I had to leave the floor to find some and try to figure that out.

"Where are you going?" Penelope asks as I leave her side.

"I need some more shots" I respond, trying to sound as casual and sober as possible.

"More?!" She still says but I'm already at the bar ordering when she gets close enough to try to talk me out of it.

"Okay, I know you miss Will and I tried not to bug you because I know you don't like to talk about things but I'm hoping that if there's one thing these FIVE tequila shots can do is I'm hoping that they'll get you to tell me what else is going on." Penelope rambles as I take my two new shots.

I swallow the second and say "I'm's been a long week, okay?"

Penelope sees that I'm still not going to give in so she puts her hands up in surrender and says "Okay my beautiful blonde friend. Here's to hoping next week is shorter and you can visit that delicious boyfriend of yours. God I want to date someone. Can you believe how stunning Emily's girlfriend is?!"

"I truly can't believe it" I can't help but grumble out.

"Aww Jayje I didn't mean to make you sad again by bringing up the new happy couple when your guy is so far away." She goes to hug me in comfort but I hold up my hands, tell her I need some air, and tell her not to follow me.

I force my way through the crowd and back through the front doors.

Emily's POV

I knew what I was doing bringing Toni here tonight and I even might like her. I mean it doesn't hurt that she looks like JJ but after watching JJ take all those shots and reject a hug from Garcia I'm starting to think it was too far.

I don't know why I should be even considering her feeling right now when I watched her walk into the arms of her Louisiana boy. What makes her think that she can move on and I can't?

But I haven't. I've had my fun tonight but when I watched her walk out that door knowing I'm the one that made her do it, I find myself leaving Toni and going after her.

I walk outside and spot her immediately. She looks up when she hears the door close and I can see the tear streaks on her face glisten in the street lights.

"Did you come out here to gloat some more?" She asked with a sharp edge to her sad tone.

I came out here to make sure she was okay but that voice sparked something in me and I couldn't help myself from barking out in a similar tone "You think that's what I'm doing? You think I brought her here just to make you jealous?!" I mean I kinda did but that's not the point "You were the one that said we couldn't be together. You're the one who didn't want to get caught. You're the one who walked right into the arms of the first man you saw when things got real!"

"Yeah well!!" She exclaims looking right past me. 

"Yeah? Well...? Really good argument Jayje. You know I only went to her after I saw that you had moved on. I only brought her here tonight because I can't be around you right now knowing that you are with him and yet I still came out here when I saw you were hurting because you may have moved on but I haven't. She's not my girlfriend, she's may not even be a one night stand, I just needed a distraction from you and I knew Penelope wouldn't let me out of another night out."

She finally looks at me "Emily"

I give her a beat to say more but she just searches my eyes. I'm about to say something when she reaches her hand up to rest on the side of my face, the other following shortly after when she was sure I wasn't going to pull away.

She sucks in a breath, still recovering from crying when she says "You're right. I was scared. I was scared and he felt like a good enough person to hide behind but nothing will feel worse then watching you be with her. I'm sorry if that's even close to what you felt like watching me with him. I haven't moved on either and I'm not scared anymore. I'm only scared of feeling the way I felt tonight again."

That's more than I needed to hear. I take her hands from my face and hold them while I kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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