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K. - Cigarettes after sex

It had been a couple of days later since me and Namjoon had our study night and I was in bed. Unable to sleep, my bunny plushie in my arms, my head sinking in it's soft tummy. A single tear slipped down my eyes as another loud and scary crack of thunder echoed outside. 

Truth is, I was normally never scared of thunderstorm, I actually liked them a little bit, as a kid me and my brother would try to be the one to see the most lighting, running to windows to catch a glimpse of them. Now, they just didn't really bother me.

But for some reason tonight, when one particulary loud strike of lighting shone through the sky, I couldn't help myself but hide under my soft baby blue blankets, clutching the life out of my bunny, if it had actully been alive in the first place. 

Quite childish of me isn't it?

I couldn't sleep at all, and the storm seemed like it would go on forever. I did the only thing I could think of.

Namjoon pov

I was enjoying the night, watering my plants before I would maybe watch an episode of Doctor Who, nothing really important. I was a proud plant dad, all of them were healtly, something I worked hard on. 

It wasn't so late, and a storm was starting to get itself known outside. When I was a kid, I was scared of storms, I would wake up my dad and sleep with him until it goes away. Now that I know why they exist, they are way less scary than what they used to be. 

They were quite relaxing when they wouldn't cut out electricity. 

I was halfway done with the watering can when I go a call. A call from (m/n). We had exchanged numbers before parting our ways a couple of days ago. 

I answered him, grinning at what could be the reason of his call.

"Hey tiny everything good?" 

"joonie.." My smile dropped, I could clearly hear him cry. 

"(m/n)? Is everything okay? What's going on?" 

"The storm. It's scary and I can't sleep." He chocked out between sniffles and shaky breaths.

Without hesitation I grabbed my car keys, perfectly knowing the storm wouldn't stop before early hour in the morning. "I'm coming to get you, can you stay on the line with me?" 

I ran down the stairs, running outside, not bothering  myself with the rain, it wasn't my priority at the moment.

"mhm" I could hear (m/n) say as I got inside my car, my phone connecting to the bluetooth.

"Good, I'm on my way tiny, don't worry" Great thing he lived close.

I tried to talk to him, reassure him but he only let out small sound of understanding and sometimes whimpers when a really loud lighting would strike. 

I parked down his appartement, and went up the stairs, "Tiny? Is your door unlocked?" I asked as I was soon right infront his door. "I'm here (m/n), can you open the door for me?"

I heard some shuffling through the phone, and then I could hear footsteps coming through the door, he ended the phone call and opened the door.

There was (m/n), standing with a red nose, puffy eyes and cheeks in only his oversized shirt and shorts. A bunny in one of his hands. 

I handgulfed him into a hug, "It's fine hyung is here mmh? Come on" I took a hoodie that was on the coat hanger and helped him put it on. "You're going to sleep at hyung's house tonight, we wouldn't want to let you alone here, wouldn't we?" He rappidly shook his head.

"stayin' with you" Was the only thing he said as I locked the door behind us, went back down the stairs again and we quickly hopped in my car. 

I safely but quickly drove back to mine as I wanted to make sure (m/n) would be warm and safe. 

"Come on, let's go dry your hair a little" (m/n)'s hair weren't that wet, just a little humid but just to make him more comfy, I dried his hair with a towel and brushed through them. "All dry now, aren't you tiny?" 

He smiled sadly, "Sorry for disturbing you hyung." 

"You're not, I'm glad I am the one you called to comfort you." I put the towel away and patted his shoulder. "Come on now, let's get you to bed." 

We walked toward my bedroom, he shoved himself closer to me as another loud thunder was heard. His bunny hadn't left his tight grip since we left his appartement. It mentaly made me coo how he would hold onto it's foot so tightly.

I lifted the cover up for him to get under, when another lighting flased through the window soon followed by thunder, he hidded himself in his bunny's tummy and an idea came to me.

"Tiny, would you let me do something with your bunny?"

He wordlessly handed me his bunny, his eyes glossy with unshed tears watching my every move with curiosity. I took his bunny and went toward one of my wall shelves, taking the lavender essential oil I sometime put on my pillow when I couldn't sleep.

I put one drop on the stuffie tummy, and one under each of it's paws. And I handed (m/n) his precious stuffie back. 

"There, smell good doesn't it?" He burried his head once again in it's tummy before looking up at me.

"Smell good." He confirmed.

"It will help you sleep well" I walked toward the other side of the bed. I went under the cover and (m/n) turned around facing me, his head laying on his bunny tummy as his hand was gripping into the plushie's foot. I brang him closer to me, tucking his head under my chin.

"story?" I chuckled softly, my finger scracting the spot on his nape right above where his hair ended.

"You want a story tiny?" Funny remembering how he wasn't fond of the idea of being read to sleep when we first had a sleepover. I felt him nod.

"please" He added. Cute.


I turned around, taking The Little Prince. I sat, my back against the headboard of the bed. (m/n) nuzzled his nose in my own tummy, making me chuckled at the ticklish feeling. I opened the book and took back where he had fell asleep the previous time.

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