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idea 15 - Gibran Alcocer

As the exams period was coming soon, me and Namjoon had tried our best to pass all of our time together. I had stayed almost all week at his house. Even if we were more studying than anything, it was still better than being alone. Especially during those stressing time.

And tonight was the last day of the study week before the 2 weeks exams period, I was restless.

I could not sit still, passing around, looking through all of my notes, mumbling important things for my exams and I had a constant head ache. I think Namjoon was getting ticked off by it, for his part, he was taking the situation way better than I was, and if he wasn't, he was hidding it very well.

He was sitting at the kitchen island on his laptop, soft music playing, a decaffeinated coffee sitting on the side. He was watching some course online.

How can he be so calm? He was in university, it's like 10x harder than what I study.

"(m/n), settle down, you're going to be fine, we've been studying together." He had a soft understanding smile on his face, he opened his arms "Come here, we are going to watch an episode of Doctor Who"

I walked toward him, his hugs were warm. He decied it would be a better to watch the serie in his bed on his laptop. Would be more comfy than the couch. We had to restart the serie so I could understand better. We were around the second season now, or something close of that.


After watching a couple of episode, the less I was paying attention, burying my head away in Namjoon's stomach and the many fluffy blankets I had insisted to sleep with. He was scratching the spot, just above where my hair ended. Sighing everytime his nails would scratch my nape a little bit more harder times to times.

"Sleepy aren't you?" Namjoon chuckled, stating the obvious. He was probably talking more to himself than to me, who was staring at him, his words taking some time to register in my brain.

"Alright, we're going to bed."

I felt so tired. So warm, so fuzzy. The blankets are so soft and they smell like lavender, a sent that was lulling me closer to sleep, sleeping with him was helping me. I was sleeping so much better then when I wasn't sleeping with him. It sounds weird to say.

"Don't be nervous, you can nuzzle closer."

I rubbed my face in his neck, so warm. He lazily drapped his arms around my waist.

"Sleeping with you is like the best sleep I had like, uhh in a long time" Namjoon lightly chuckled, sleep was probably making his head fuzzy too.

It was silent for a while, our stomach making weird sounds time to time, it was kinda funny when it was sudden. We sometime needing to move from our position because of numb members, he soon had to move his arm away from my waist, making me let out a protesting whine.

"Alright alright, don't fuss tiny" He was lightly chuckling, but he put his arms back around my waist.

"It's kinda embarrasing to say but" I started, my words slured as my face was pressed into the pillows, "It helps me sleep when you hold me close." I let out a tired breath, I was close to slumber if it was possible, I'd cuddle closer to him.

I couldn't discribe how I felt, but it was a good feeling. I was all warm in my stomach


Cold, the bed was cold next to me. What a bad thing to wake up to.

It was still dark outside, why was he up so early, or maybe it's me who is up super late, oh no what if I slept all day?

I awkwardly shuffled out Namjoon's bedroom, there he was, back on his laptop at the kitchen island. He was fastly typing out, a frown on his face and a mug of coffee next to him. His back was facing me and I kept walking toward him like a penguin. I back huggeg him, the idea of scaring him did cross my head, but it's a shitty joke to make, like really, I dispise anyone who does that, another reason of why I decided to not do this joke to him.

"Go back to sleep baby, it's still early." Namjoon continued to type, it looked like notes, "I will join you soon"

I shook my head in his back, it would wipe the sleepiness out of me. He turned around in my arms, and he wrapped his around me. He was already tall, but now that he was sitting on a stool, giant looking ass.

"I will be done really soon, do you want to wait in bed or can you wait just a little bit for me here?"

"I wan' to stay with you" I whined, "please" why am I so whiny?, I will blame it on me waking so early, yeah that's must be it.

He chuckled and kissed the crown of my head, turning around again, on the contrary I stayed still. It seemed like eternity but it was barely five minutes before he was done. He was now slowly taking my hand and leading me back to the bedroom. There was at least one hour and a half before we had to wake up again.

He kissed my forehead again, he looked so tired and I felt bad for him. I squeezed him tight, probably in an attemp to make him feel better.

He squeezed tight back, "My tiny, so sleepy, so cute."

I felt warm again, warm and fuzzy.

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