Treptower Park

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Located in north Berlint within a restricted area, closed off from the outside world due to its highly secret function, stand fifty buildings and thousands of offices where some seven thousand personnel work round the clock against enemies in the West and traitors in our own country, secretly trailing them, observing them, and recording their every move in order secure the safety of the people.

The campus is a city within a city, providing homes, a supermarket, and other shops for SSS workers and their families. Whole streets were wiped out for the development, but on East Berlint maps it appears as a blank white space. These are the SSS headquarters, and your home for the last year.

A half-hour tram ride from the home of your secret double life lays the river Spree, and on its other side stand three memorials to commemorate the 80,000 brave comrades that died during the Battle of Berlin as well as the countless Soviet deaths in the war.

Every time you visit Treptower Park, you stop to pay your respects to those who died for your freedom, the men who fought for the values you hold dear. This is why you work so hard to uphold the order they established.

Without their sacrifice, our people would be suffering the decadent decay of the West, living under the guise of freedom only for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. Without the equality and opportunity brought by communism, there is no doubt my dear Yor and I would not have survived.

Leaving the smaller of the two bouquets in your arms at the base of the statue, you proceed to the riverside where you're sure to find your sister and that woman Yor is so oddly fond of. The October sky is clear today, its azure depths yet unmarred by the months of rain to come. The sunlight plays along the river Spree, dappling the wings of the birds that flit to-and-fro between the banks.

Though the park is large, it doesn't take long to spot the picnic scene given that Yor's dazzling beauty is visible for miles to anyone with eyes. However, much to your dismay, it appears the rest of the family has joined as well.

Don't let it get to you. Don't let it get to you. Don't let them get to you. Don't let him get to you... I HATE YOU LOIDY HATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATE!

"Yu~ri!" Yor's angelic voice breaks your trance.

Arms thrown wide you return her enthusiasm wholeheartedly and squeeze her tight, not caring if the flowers are damaged in the process. But as soon as she's in your arms she's off and running again, leaving you dazed and confused.

"We're playing cops and robbers! I'm a robber, so I can't let Anya and Loid get me!!" she shouts over her shoulder as she jogs off.

What...? Yorrrrrrrrrrrrr come back!!!! How could they make her play such a vile game! And my perfect Yor would never be a robber!!! This is all wrong!!! AND IT'S ALL LOID'S FAULT!!!

You're woken from your trance for the second time when she taps your shoulder and whispers next to your ear.

"You look rather spent, Mr. Briar. We have refreshments over there on the picnic blanket if you'd care to join me."

The inquisitive tilt of her head and gentle smile are infuriating, like she's mocking you for being abandoned by your only family.

"Shut it, fräulein. I'm not here to see you," you snarl and stomp off in the direction of the blanket. The grass beneath the patchwork quilt crackles with your weight, long ago parched by the summer heat. The spot you choose faces the Forger's, but there's only so much agony you can take. When you relent and turn away, an outstretched hand offers you a cold drink. Snatching the cola from her, you crack the top off the glass bottle and chug it in one go.

2LT Briar [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now