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She was by the window just a few minutes ago when I was standing outside, so I know she's home. Is she not answering because she doesn't hear me knocking, or is it because it's so late and she's scared? Knowing her, it's probably the latter...

Quickly checking your surroundings before picking the lock, you slip through the apartment door and shut it quietly. The soft slosh of bath water tells you why she didn't answer the door.

"W-w-who's there??" you hear her stutter in trepidation.

"It's me, fräulein," you answer as you step towards the bathroom. "Who else would it be at this hour?"

"The hitman you might have finally sent to do me in..." she answers from the other side of the door you're leaning on. Her whispered voice carries only sincerity and it stings.

"But why are you here? I thought you said my place wasn't safe..."

With a heavy sigh, you open the door and step in.

"I stopped by the other day and removed all the bugs. Neither East nor West is listening anymore," you explain as you take a seat on the floor, resting your back against the deep tub so that you face away from her. "You've been coming home later than usual every night this week. What's going on?"

She no longer asks how you know everything. She's come to accept that you just do.

"Oh... It's nothing really..." you hear her mumble and sink down into the water.

"I've told you before, you're a terrible liar, fräulein. Spit it out."

"It's nothing honestly... I'm just doing the clean-up duty after my shift..."

"And it's taking you three times longer than usual because?"

She huffs in defeat before giving in. "Because the other girls are leaving before it's done..."

"And you're doing their work because?" you prod with growing impatience.

"I'm afraid they'll gang up on me and say it's me who's slacking if I don't do the work myself..."

She always was a pushover... That's what made it so easy to get information from her in the first place. But that's my job. No one else is going to get away with bullying her. I'm the only one allowed to see that submissive side...

"You've missed that radio program every night this week. The classical music one that plays at midnight. I could only record the last two days, but anyway..." you explain and pull the minifon from your jacket. It clatters on the tile where you set it down for her.


"Your parents were classical musicians. That's why you listen, isn't it? Because they died in a train bombing on their way back from playing a concert..."

"Yes, but... why do you care?" Her incredulous tone cuts like a whip - backlash for your own attitude.

"Because I'm an idiot... an idiot who's in love with a nice girl who won't leave me alone no matter how much I push her away..."

"Oh, are you now? What about your job? Aren't I too much of a risk," she counters with acid on her tongue.

"Dummy. I'm the risk. I might be trying to keep this country safe, but that doesn't make things any safer for me. My job is still dangerous and anyone associated with me is at risk by default. Not to mention they would be left alone if something happened..."

"Are you trying to make out like you've been secretly protecting me by being a jerk all this time? Because I'm not buying it, Yuri."

"No. I've been lying to myself... and hurting you in the process... and I'm sorry..." You can't help but mumble the last bit.

2LT Briar [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now