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They are all prepared for the mission of a life-time, not knowing if they will succeed or not.

"Woah, my outfit looks hella good-"

"Yeah cause you cut most of it off Gaon, you're showing to much skin!"

"Hey! Look at Ode! He's going off in that tight suit right there!"

"Well at least he looks good,"

"Look at you Junhan before telling me if I look good or not."

"Okay shut your mouth kids, we're heading in bout 10 minutes, get ready and pack everything you need."

"Mkay dad, also where is Jungsu?"

"Oh he's calling his mom right now, what a late goodbye-for-now call."

"Yeah definitely....."

"...you forgot to call your mom right Jooyeon?"


After a few minutes everyone was packed up, had the right outfits and accessories on, and were ready to start the mission.

"Don't you think you guys are gonna get side-eyed at cause of your bright pink ass jumpsuits?"

"Your gonna wear them later on Jun so don't complain-"

"Anyway, Ode you go take the BMW with Junhan while the rest of us go on."

If your wondering what they are 'trying' to do, they're making 2 people, Ode and Junhan, act like normal citizens to distract the security guards while the rest blow up a wall in the back with a small explosive.

"Awh why do we take the crappy car!"

"Cause you think we're gonna rob a bank with a BMW?! No, so shut your mouth and get in Gaon."

"Rude much..."


Team a (Ode and Junhan) arrived first, they both put on a wireless earbud, connecting them, before heading out to the bank. Team b on the other hand drive around the block before grabbing their gear and going to the back of the bank.

"Hello? Jooyeon? Jungsu? Y'all hear me"

"Yes we do Han, we're almost at the back you 2 already there?"

"Yep hyung, hurry up cause we might look suspicious"

"Yeah yeah, I'll go tell Gunil that."


Team a are now in front of the bank, looking all the way up at the tall building.

"Bro, look how high it is, gosh we could salvage this-"

"Use your brain, no we can't Ode, now go in"
Junhan says as he slaps Ode's head to proceed.

𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙼𝙴 || 𝚇𝙷 / 𝚇𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚁𝚈 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙾𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now