Milo Manheim: The night we met

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    You have been dating Milo for a few years now. Yes, THE Milo Manheim. The well known actress and the dancer from Dancing With The Stars. You first met him in New York City when you and your best friend, B/F/N.

    You guys Were on a trip for spring break. You ran into him at the donut shop, The Donut Pub. You were so stunned that he was there and that he was talking to you. You have watched him on Dancing With The Stars for along time.

    You thought he was so cute and sweet and handsome. Now 3 years later you and him are dating and you couldn't be happier with him.

    You did have a long distance relationship with Milo. It was hard to not see his beautiful brown eyes and run your fingers through his hair while cuddled up to his chest, watching High School Musical.

     The reason you guys are not in the same place is because he is filming Zombies 3 and you wanted to spend time with your friends and family at your home town.

   But then you got the most amazing news. You could go visit him on set. The director, Paul Hoen. Gave you permission to come and see him. You were so excited that you could finally see him and kiss his soft lips.

The next day....

Today was the day that you were leaving. You cooking express how excited you were. You told your mom and dad and your S/N bye and you got into the car. You were on the highway playing your favorite song. You weren't paying attention to the car behind you and all you heard was a slam and you fainted. All you saw was, darkness. Complete darkness.

With Milo....

Milo was in his trailer getting his hair and makeup done. He was getting ready for another scene he had to do with Meg. Then he got a call on his phone.

   He picked it up and saw it was your mom. He was confused at first why she was calling him but picked up anyway. "Hello?" He asked. (Play the song now) "Milo. Y/n's in the hospital" She said, quickly. his heart dropped.

   Everyone in the trailer looked at him and then at each other. "W-What?" That's all that could come out. "Just come as soon as you can" "O-Ok" He hung up and leaned back. "Milo?" Matt asked. "I can't do this scene right now" "why?" Milo looked at him with tears already running down his face.

"What happened?" Matt asked and he sat in the chair in front of him. "Y/n's in the hospital and I have no idea why" Milo said and put his head in his hands. "Oh Milo. I'm so sorry. Just talk to Paul and I'm sure he will be fine with it" Milo nodded and quickly got up.

The director felt really bad for Milo so he let him go see you. Milo quickly got changed out of his Zombies outfit and into a shirt and sweatpants.

   He told everyone what had happened and Meg was as sad as Milo was. Meg and you were really close friends. You guys were almost like sisters. He quickly said bye to everyone and got into his car.

    He sat in silence in the car. He just thought of you the whole ride to the hospital. You were his whole world and he didn't know if you were going to be okay.

He got to the hospital and found a parking spot and ran inside. He ran to the former desk and the lady there looked at him.

  "How may I help you?" She asked him. "Hello. I am looking for Y/n L/n" he said. "Oh yes! She is in room B 104" She said and he thanked her and ran down the hallway.

    He found the room and opened the door quietly and saw Y/n sleeping soundly in the bed. Your mom looked at Milo and did a small smile at him. "Hey Milo..." She said and walked over to him and hugged him.

  "What happened?" He said and pulled away from her and sat next to her. "She was coming to visit you and a drunk driver crashed into her..." He stared down at her and held her hand with an iv on it.

  "I'll leave you alone with her" He nodded and she walked out and closed the door and he stared at her and bursted into tears.

    "Beautiful...I'm so sorry...this is all my fault..." He said and rubbed your hand with his thumb. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked around the room and then you noticed Milo and smiled. "Babe...your here..." You said and he wiped his tears from his cheeks and smiled.

   "Yeah...." He said. "I'm so sorry. I wanted to surprise you and-" "no! You don't have to be sorry for anything." You smiled at him. He looked at your holter monitor and it was read to be low. He stared at it for a minute. He realized you aren't going to make it.

   "Milo?" He looked at you. "I'm gonna marry you...okay?" He said. "And we're gonna have a beautiful family together with a beautiful house a-and I'm gonna grow old with you......" You placed your hand on cheek and he left it there. He wanted to feel your touch one last time knowing that this was the last time he would feel it.

You smiled up at him. "It's's okay....." You said and stared into his beautiful brown eyes and ran your fingers through his hair. "I love you so much Y/n....I-I have since the day we met at the donut shop in New looked so beautiful...a-and..... gorgeous with Y/H/C hair in a bun....and the way that y-your Y/E/C sparkled in the sunshine...."

   You smiled knowing that he still remembered the day you two met. "I love you too....I always have and I always will...even if I won't be able to say it for a while...." You said and tears slipped down your cheeks.

   Milo kissed you. He kissed you  like his life depended on it. The kiss was filled with love and passion. He opened his eyes and looked at you. He felt your hand slide down from his cheek and your eyes were closed.

You were gone. The love of his life was gone.

Goodbye Y/n L/n....Rest in peace.

A/n: I'm sorry 😭😭

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