Wyatt Lykensen: When Love Lasts

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POV: you are Brees older sister

You and Wyatt first ever met when the wolves were let into Seabrook and it was like love at first site. Wyatt was different then other boys you dated. He never called you for anything or made fun of you for anything and if anyone did. He would always be there by your side. You were always an open book but you got emotional easily, especially if it involved one your friends or family.

Your parents doesn't know that you and Wyatt are dating and your probably wondering why. Well it's because that if your parents knew that you were dating a wolf they would never let you see him again and something bad could happen to him and that's the last thing you wanted so you never told them.

   It was a late Wednesday night and you couldn't sleep. You kept tossing and turning so you decided to get Wyatt to see if he could come. Your parents were asleep so it was fine. You and Wyatt have this tactic that whenever you two needed anything you would whistle to each other and you could actually hear it.

   About five minutes you heard a tap on the window. Wow, that was fast. You walked over to the window and quietly opened it. "Hey baby" You said and he smiled. "Hey N/n. You alright?" "Yes I am. Just couldn't sleep and I wanted some company" He nodded and leaned up to kiss you but you heard the door fly open. "Y/n what is- WOLF! THERES A WOLF IN THE HOUSE!" Your mom screamed as loud as she could.

You looked at her and shook your head.  
"No mom-" "DAVID CALL Z-PATROL!!" You ran to your mom. "Mom, you don't understand-"No, I think I understand perfectly" You shook your head rapidly and you look at Wyatt and tried to run to him but your mom grabbed your arm. "Don't get near him" You tried to get out of her grasp but you couldn't.

Then Bree came running into your mom. "Y/n, mom! What's going on? Z-Patrol is all outside!" "Y/n let that Wyatt boy in the house!" "Mom, I'm trying to-" Z-Patrol grabbed Wyatt from your window. "Wyatt!" You yelled. You looked out your window and saw the patrol handcuffing him. "Shoot..." you mumbled and ran out your room. "Y/n!"

"Let him go!" You yelled at the guards and everyone looked at you. "Take him away" your dad said and your anger grew even more. "NO!" You felt two hands on you and you looked and it was Bree and Your mom. You looked back as you saw Wyatt being put into a truck and you felt a tear slip down your cheek.

It was the next day and you didn't feel like doing anything, even going to school. You stayed in bed all day watching tv and doing the school work you had to make up. "Y/n?" You looked up and saw your mom and you just looked back down. "Do you want a snack...." You hummed "No" and you heard her sigh. "Well call me if you need anything..." You nod your head and she walked out.

——at School

  All of your friends were wondering why you didn't show up at school today especially Zed and Addison. "Bree!" Addison called out to her and she turned around. "Hey Addie!" She said. "Hey, do you know why Y/n isn't  here?" "Oh yeah...well apparently that Wyatt came to our house last night cause Y/n couldn't sleep and our mom and dad caught them and our dad called Z-Patrol and took Wyatt away" Addison pouted her lips ag the sight of you being sad.   "Wait! Let's get Zed. I think know what we can do" Addie said.


After school Bree, Zed and Addison ran to your house and Bree opened the door and they all went to your room. "Y/N!" Zed yelled and you screamed and fell off your bed and hit your head on your glass side table. "Jeez, Zed! Knock before you come in!" You rubbed your head and Addison helped you up. "Well I'm sorry but we know what happened with Wyatt and everything and we know what to do" You Immediately looked up.

   "What? Tell me!" You got up and walked over to Bree and Zed. "We need to go to the containment unit and get Wyatt from there" Addison said and you quickly nodded and you all ran downstairs. "Y/n! Where are all of y'all going?" You ignored your mom and kept running down the sidewalk.

You walked in with Zed behind you and Bree and Addie behind him. "We need to be quite" Zed said and you nodded. Then you saw Wyatt in a large cage. "Now let's go in thr-" You darted out of the bushes and to the cage. "No one ever listens to me" Zed said under his breath.

"Wyatt. We are going to get you out" You said and he nodded and you reached through the cage and grabbed his hand. Addi came in behind you and unlocked the cage and you tackled him into a hug. "I was so worried" You whispered into his neck and you started crying. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here and I'm fine" You took his handcuffs off and he looked at you and grabbed your face.

   "Woah, Baby. Your so pale." You nodded your head. "She stayed in her room all day today cause she was so worried about you" Zed said and he smiled and kissed your forehead. Suddenly y'all heard shouting and you all turned around and saw your parents. "Get your hands off my daughter!" Your dad yelled and you walked out of the cage. "Mom, Dad. I love Wyatt and he is the sweetest, kindest and most gentle person I have ever met and If you got to know him better you could see that he is not what you think he is" Wyatt and All your friends smiled at you.

Your mom and dad looked at each other and then back at you. "Fine. If he makes you that happy." You smiled and clapped your hands together and Wyatt picked you up and spun you around and nuzzled your noses together. "Your cute, you know that?" He said and you smirked. "Yes, I do" He rolled his eyes and dipped you and kissed you and everyone cheered.

This request was from JulzLovDraco4Eva

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