Through Moria

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"Quietly now," Gandalf hushed the chattering hobbits, who were whispering about the light. They hushed as he answered Harry's question. "It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed."

With those ominous words they began their journey through some of the deepest parts of Middle Earth....

The trip was made in silence for the most part for three days, they only spoke when setting up camp in the mines. Then it was only to hand out the rations. No fire was started within the mines in fear of drawing the goblins from their hiding places. They all looked around in interest, awe, and sadness as Gandalf led them through the ominous dark of Moria. Gimli was noticing the vanes of different precious metals and ores.

At one point the path took them parallel to a vane of mithril and Gimli stopped to look at it for a few moments. Not for the first time wishing that the mines of Moria were not lost to his people. With Erebor back in the control of the dwarves his people prospered better now than at the height of Erebor before it's fall to the great dragon. His wish stems from the mithril vanes that line this old mine; there are many old artifacts that could be repaired with just a fraction of what he was running his hand along. He also wished that they could use it to equip their warriors with the best protection possible. Mithril was so rare and valuable that even the small amount that the dwarves possessed was saved only for those of great importance even though any armor made from it is almost impossible to destroy or damage.

Gimli startled slightly when a hand squeezed his shoulder, he looked into the eyes of the youngest member of his company. Harry tilted his head in a silent question and Gimli gave a small sigh. And quietly explained his thoughts as they continued on, the others could not hear their conversation, save perhaps Legolas,

"Mithril is only found in large quantities in this mountain," the dwarf started to explain. He caught the look on the young istari's face and continued quickly. "Mithril is the strongest metal known in middle earth. It isn't just pretty to look at, it could protect against the strongest sword and the hottest fire. I wish to be able to protect my people and our allies."

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise at this information and turned to look closer at the vein of ore in the walk next to them.

"We have small veins of it in Erebor and in the iron hills. But it is guarded and only mined for ceremonial pieces or for courting gifts of those of the royal line," Gimli continued as he watched the younger Istari examine the Mithril. "We used to have enough mithril armor that the leaders of our armies could be decorated in it to denote rank. But it has been squandered and stolen and gifted away over the years."

"Perhaps Gimli," Harry said as they slowly caught up to their companions. "That one day when this war is over we can drive the goblins from here and reclaim it in the name of the dwarves. When the ring is gone and the darkness that surrounds these lands is gone, perhaps the goblins will be weakened enough to defeat."

"Aye lad, perhaps," Gimli said quietly as he looked at the young man in thanks.

They continued in silence for a few hours more till they reached a three way divide in their path. Gandalf stopped and furrowed his brow as he took in the paths before him all disappearing down into the dark in different directions.

"I have no memory of this place," Gandalf muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear. There were mutters from the others and they all split to find a few moments to rest while he figured out their path.

Harry walked up to the older wizard and stood next to him for a few moments before speaking,

"If you'd like I might have a trick to get us out of here."

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