Elizabeth Ember - Act I - Welcome To The Future, Miss Elizabeth

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I want to note that this is an on-going story!


Elizabeth Ember is a story about a girl who wakes up in a future that has taken a step back in time. She thinks she has waken up in Medieval times when really something dreadful has happened, and enslavement. The human race has been enslaved by another race....the Shmeivens. The Shmeivens are a race of alien creatures who are masters in the ways of arcane magic, necromancy, and any other type of magic you can think of. The humans were beginning to tap into this magic when the Shmeivens took note of them..they invaded. They've been in power for 30 years and now the humans have uncovered their key....Elizabeth Vundergast. Elizabeth has a power deep within her and that power is the key to the defeat of the Shmeivens. Elizabeth will go on an adventure to discover this power, she will go through many hardships but will awaken her true self.

 Act I - Welcome To The Future, Miss Elizabeth

"She's awake!!! She's awake"

"Give her some space will you, you idiots. I'm sorry Miss Elizabeth, welcome to the future."

What in the world is going on? I was thinking to myself. Who are these people? What is this place? Why is this man demanding I have my space? The future? This place looks like a scene straight from the renaissance fair. So many questions going through my mind at once. I felt like I had just woke up from a nap that lasted days. I was weak and incredibly thirsty...not to mention surrounded by many strangers.

"Who are you people, where am I?" I asked.

"I see you can still speak, Elizabeth. Less can be said for most of the others that have been brought back from suspended animation." said the man, "My name is Sir Gubbins...but almost everyone just calls me the mad mage." said the man.

"Mad mage? Is this some sort of a joke, this isn't funny. Tell me where I am!" I said.

"I assure you this is not a joke, it's actually quite serious. Almost as serious as a Freeant eating a rat, am I right?" the man said followed by hysterical laughter. "Ah, yes, from the past. I forgot, you don't get it....it was a doozy though, I assure you."

"This is not funny old man! Do-"

His look quickly changed from enlightened to pure anger. Did I say something? I mean, he was wrinkled, he had grey hair, he was barely mobile, he was old.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" he yelled, "NO ONE CALLS ME OLD." he continued. 

An aura started to form around him...an aura of fire. Is this real? Humans can't emit fire from their bodies...what is going on? I'm still weak, how am I going to stop him from burning me alive?

"Calm down Gubbins, you fool." said a lady out of nowhere, "I'm sorry Miss Elizabeth, my husband is in denial that he's grown old. My name is Ella, nice to meet you."

Gubbins rumbled and then shook his head and went right back to that look of an enlightened old man, "I'm sorry Elizabeth...can I call you Liz? Your name is too much for me. I am old, I don't want to waste any valuble seconds saying a long name like Elizabeth...oh there I go again, I'm calling you Liz." 

He just went from absolutely furious back to the same spaztic old man, I understand why they call him mad now. I still have no answers as to why I am here, I guess I won't get answers if I don't ask questions.

"You said I was awoken from suspended animation, what were you talking about?" I said.

"Already accepted the fact that you're in the future? That was quick." he laughed, "I guess now I have to explain what happened."

"I haven't accepted anything, I'm just curious as to what back story you can make up for this ridiculous prank." I said.

He laughed and began, "Well, It all started hundreds of years ago.." 

The man began his story. I won't waste your time telling you what he said word by word so I'll give you my own explanation. Hundreds of years ago, apparently on a night I went to bed, an alien race named the Shemeivens put the Earth in a state of suspended animation. Everything was just frozen in place. No one knows for how long or what they did during this time but afterwards the Earth resumed as normal...almost. Many people were left in suspended animation...about 100 or so. They were buried, having been presumed to be dead, and people went on about their lives. After about 100 years the humans discovered magic. Humans were elated at this discovery, they were lighting things on fire, shocking their friends as a joke, even freezing animals for laughs. This discovery caught the attention of the Shmeivens. The Shmeivens were...are the master race in the univerese. They have masered magic of all sorts. They can form entire tornados out of fire, raise the dead, summon immensely powerful creatures...all for pure chaos. The Shmeivens invaded Earth and enslaved humans. For about 100 years this went on when they,Sir Gubbins and Ella, made a discovery...the people put into suspended animation...the ones burried, were humans who were born incredible mages. They did things throughout their lives that were miracles that no one knew about...all becasue they are mages...mages so powerful even the stongest Shmeivens feared them. Gubbins and Ella told their immediate group about this discovery and then they went on a hunt for these people. they had found 99 of the people who were put into suspended animation....all died upon awakening. I am the only one who didn't die. I am who they've been looking for..I am who they believe can take down the Shmeivens. All of this is hard for me to take in, I'm still no convinced.

"That about sums it up" says Ella, "I'm sure you still aren't convinced of this, are you?"

"No, I'm not." I said.

"Well here, put on this bracelent. It will make it easier for you to channel your magic."

I believed she was speaking non-sense, so I said sure. As she slipped on the bracelent a power surged through me and I fainted. I awoke to see Ella and Gubbins watching over me. What in the world happened?

"Hee hee hee!! You lit up like a Bombshooker after a big feast," said Gubbins laughing hysterically. "Oh dear, I'm a genius."

Ella looked at Gubbins with an annoyed look."Eizabeth, are you okay? When the bracelent slipped on your veins lit up. You're lucky that with all of that magic power you didn't die. Take a look at your hand."

I looked at my hand...I was amazed. The veins in my hand were glowing a neon green color and I felt...I felt strong.

"What...what is this?" I said, "what did you do to me?"

"We did nothing you bimbo!" said Gubbins, "that's your natural power. The bracelent just brought it out."

"Yes, exactly," said Ella, "Let's see if you can cast something simple. Concentrate on this paper, take all of your anger and put it into the palm of your hand and then let it all go"

I felt like she was again talking gibberish, but I tried it. 

"Welllookythere!" said Gubbins. Apparently he doesn't know that's not one whole word, "you done made a flare! Hee! Hee!"

I look at the paper and it was caught on fire, did I do this? How is this possible?!

"Di-did I do that?"

"Yes you did hun," said Ella, "but that won't do. We need to begin training."

Training? What is this? Just yesterday I was going on about my normal life as a normal girl...is this real? Are we really in the future? Yesterday was Monday...wasn't it? The year 2013?Could this really be real....

To be continued in....

Act II - Reality..?

Elizabeth Ember - Act I - Welcome To The Future, Miss ElizabethWhere stories live. Discover now